The Institute for Educational Technology part of the Italian National Research Council is the only scientific research institute in Italy devoted solely to research into educational innovation supported by the employment of ICT-related models, methods and tools.

ITD's investigation of Educational Inclusion addresses the relationship between education and students with Special Education Needs (SEN), including those related to disability, immigration, people with learning difficulties or who are unable to attend school regularly. This research effort is inspired by the UNESCO approach to inclusion, whereby the individual requirements of learners with difficulties are best met by creating learning environments and communities that can be configured in an agile manner to meet their specific needs.

The current spread of the COVID-19 virus is posing enormous challenges, profoundly affecting our daily way of life, including the way we work, socialise and learn. CNR-ITD researchers and support staff are seeking to help Italy's teachers by offering them opportunities to take part in online initiatives that explore the adoption of distance learning strategies and environments and inclusive education.

Free webinars on inclusive distance learning

Nuova Iniziativa. Ciclo di webinar dedicati alla didattica inclusiva a distanza di interesse in questo periodo di emergenza

A SERIES OF WEBINARS (in italian) on inclusive distance learning (by CNR-ITD)

In-development space #scuolainclusivaacasa

Nuova Iniziativa. Area dedicata alla didattica inclusiva a distanza, ospitata dalla piattaforma Essediquadro Formazione.

A SPACE DEDICATED TO INCLUSIVE DISTANCE LEARNING on the Italian-language Essediquadro training platform.

Free Webinars by CNR-ITD

28 may - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

Che fine ha fatto l’insegnante di sostegno?

Speaker: Giancarlo Onger

Direct link to webinar

25 may - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

La valutazione finale degli alunni a Giugno 2020 e l'inizio del nuovo anno

Speaker: Avv. Salvatore Nocera

Content and material

Direct link to webinar

13 may - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

Cambio pelle: la cooperazione tra docente e famiglia nella didattica a distanza con bambini e ragazzi disabili.

Speaker: Daria Apostolo

Direct link to webinar

29 april - 15,00 to 16,30 (CEST)

LA METODOLOGIA PER LA SCUOLA DA CASA: il valore formativo della didattica a distanza - Perché la scuola al tempo del coronavirus vale di più.

Speakers: Licia Cianfriglia (ANP), Loredana Grimaldi (Fondazione TIM), Mario Allegra (CNR-ITD), Enza Benigno (CNR-ITD)

Direct link to webinar

17 april - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

Stare insieme a casa nostra. L’inclusione a distanza per stare più vicini

Speaker: Stefania Vannucchi, Docente specializzato nelle attività di sostegno e Referente dello Sportello "Autismo e dintorni" del CTS (Centro Territoriale Supporto) IC Gandhi di Prato

Direct link to webinar

16 april - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

APP-rendiamo a distanza nella scuola dell’infanzia

Speaker: Sabrina Panesi, CNR-ITD

Direct link to webinar

8 april - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

SportivamenteInsieme...a casa

Speaker: Anna Arnaldi, Docente e operatore dei servizi di supporto scolastico Sportello Autismo e Servizio disturbi del comportamento di Vicenza

Direct link to webinar

7 april - 15,30-16,30 (CEST)

Il docente di sostegno tra classi virtuali, videolezioni e netiquette

Speaker: Francesca Manca, Docente presso l’I.I.S. “Ferrari” di Barcellona P.G.

Direct link to webinar

6 april - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

A distanza ma vicini: esperienze nella scuola dell'infanzia

Speaker: Sabrina Panesi, CNR-ITD

Direct link to webinar

2 april - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

DA COVID A “CO-VI-D” (CO-llaborare VI-rtualmente per la D-idattica): un’opportunità per l’apprendimento collaborativo (ma non solo in emergenza)

Speaker: Francesca Pozzi, CNR-ITD

Direct link to webinar

31 March - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

La scuola a distanza nella routine degli alunni nello spettro dell’autismo

Speaker: Claudia Munaro, Referente Inclusione, MIUR – USRV – UFFICIO VIII Ambito Territoriale di Vicenza

Direct link to webinar

27 March - 15,30 to 16,30 (CEST)

Didattica a distanza per alunni con BES. Buone pratiche in un istituto comprensivo

Speaker: Sandra Giambattista, Insegnante di sostegno scuola primaria, Referente Scuola Polo per l’Inclusione della Provincia di Taranto

Direct link to webinar

23 March 2020 - 15.30 to 16.30 (CEST)

Non solo cloud: l’inclusione a distanza si fa anche con...

Speakers: Giovanni P. Caruso CNR-ITD, Francesco Fusillo formatore

Direct link to webinar

20 March 2020 - 15.30 to 16.30 (CEST)

L’organizzazione della classe ibrida al tempo del COVID 19: metodologie, processo, criticità

Speakers: Vincenza Benigno, Giovanni P. Caruso, Lucia Ferlino CNR-ITD

Direct link to webinar

Additional webinars are currently being planned and these will be announced when confirmed.



  • a virtual space where teachers and experts can get together and discuss matters;
  • a section for each webinar;
  • sections dealing with specific issues and that feature video lectures, and video tutorials dealing with both theory and practice.

Topics currently available include:

Da scuola a casa: usiamo la multimedialità per raccontare storie
APP-rendiamo a distanza nella scuola dell’infanzia
Coding a distanza con Scratch

Go to the website

Essediquadro provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on educational software and other digital learning resources. It offers teachers three main services:

  • A catalogue of digital learning resources (educational software, apps, educational websites) featuring a comprehensive array of search options, including accessibility and usability ratings for disabled learners;
  • in-depth studies of software available in different subject areas and for different purposes, together with teaching modules, teachers' reports and personal analyses, etc., some of which dedicated to inclusion;
  • free online teacher training opportunities and resources dedicated to inclusion and technology enhanced learning, and much more...

I-MOOC sul Modello TRIS (Tecnologie di Rete per l'Inclusione Socio-educativa, Networking Technology for Socio-Educational Inclusion)

This open platform for teacher training offers methodological and practical guidelines for deploying inclusive hybrid classes and using them for teaching. TRIS is featured on Italy’s Education Ministry website as a leading example of how to implement online distance learning.

Teachers can access the I-MOOC as an always-on open educational resource but can also follow it as a structured training course with support from expert tutors. Completion of the course version gains the trainee a formal training credit corresponding to 25 hours’ of professional training to add to their annual quota of mandatory training hours.

TRIS.2 is funded by Fondazione TIM, a major Italian telecoms provider.

The online portal for Clipso (CLassi Ibride Per la Scuola in Ospedale, Hybrid Classes for Hospital Schools)

SUPPORT FOR TEACHERS DEALING WITH EMERGENCY CONDITIONS: the training environment (in italian) created in the CLIPSO project gathers together a set of learning environments to support the development of competencies in the educational use of network-based tools and technologies for communication, sharing and co-construction. The tools in question include the likes of Skype, Google Meet, Drawchat, Microsoft WhiteBoard, Kahoot, Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, Coggle, Openshot Video Editor, Filmora, So.Di.Linux Orizzonti, EASYDIDA 3, Scratch, e-books, and augmented reality. CLIPSO provides a series of video tutorials and also features a section specially dedicated to hospital teachers across Italy currently dealing with the Covid-19 crisis.

The CLIPSO project is funded by Compagnia di San Paolo.

Other initiatives

Distance hybrid classes: methodological and practical guidelines for deploying distance hybrid classes, covering both technological and educational aspects.

Webinars proposed by the INDIRE research group (Tuesday 3 March 2020)

TRIS.2 HOME SCHOOLING METHODOLOGY: before, during and after the Covid-19 crisis

Some webinars offered in conjunction with Italy’s National Association of School Principals (ANP) and Fondazione TIM (Tuesday 10 March and Wednesday 12 March 2020 )

When school comes home

An initiative by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian Research Council) dedicated to home schooling.

Education Ministry initiative: "L'INCLUSIONE VIA WEB" (web-based inclusion)

CNR-ITD researchers participate in the special Education Ministry taskforce set up by Italy’s Department of Human, Financial & Technical Resources. The taskforce’s remit is to help manage activities undertaken within the "L’inclusione via web" initiative.

Good Practices and Challenges in School Hospitals during the Covid-19 crisis

Interview with a group of teachers from various hospital schools around Italy. A document summarising the main outcomes will soon be published.

WEB INCLUSION: Good practices in the age of Covid-19

How do you manage ODL when teaching students with autism? How can you respond to families who feel abandoned? Where can you find strategies and good practices to prevent at-risk students wandering off their learning and educational pathway?

  • Speakers: Flavio Fogarolo, Fabrizio Corradi, Stefania Vannucchi, Claudia Munaro, Carlo Cipollone, Raffaele Ciambrone, Tiziana Catenazzo, Lucia Ferlino (CNR-ITD)
  • Registration form
  • Video of the webinar (it is mandatory to register in order to access the video)