Mario Allegra graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa in 1987. Since 1989 he has been a researcher at the Italian National Research Council, Institute for Educational Technologies (ITD); he has participated in promoting and carrying out research projects concerning Information and Communication Technologies and their application in education and training contexts. His research activity is focused on educational technologies. He is in charge of several research projects both national and international and he is author/co-author of more than 120 scientific papers. He has been contract professor at the University of Palermo until 2007 and he is consultant for the Italian Ministry of Research for the evaluation of research projects. Since March 2020 he is Director of the Institute for Educational Technology.
Allegra Mario
- Role: Director
- ITD office: Genoa
- Telephone number: 0916809219
- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- Projects:
- Kaleidoscope
- Did@browser
- Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico nel settore delle ICT per la Didattica e l'Alta Formazione
- Kaleidoscope - Conditions for productive networked learning environments
- Tecnologie informatiche di supporto ai disabili della vista
- Borse Giovani Laureati
- Vodie
- Sloop2Desc
- PNPV 2.0 Posso, non posso...vado! 2.0
- Tecnologie per la gestione della conscenza
- Bigger Data
- Astronomia e societa', tra tradizione e innovazione tecnologica
- Laboratorio di apprendimento cooperativo guidato
- Corso di specializzazione in network and System Administration
- Smart Health 2.0
- Policlinico
- WOP - World of physics
- Tecnologie della conoscenza per la ricerca e l’imprenditorialità