Together with its research activities, ITD carries out a wide range of training activities. The institute is a Ministry of Education accredited provider of training for school staff, and has many years' experience in teacher training conducted via seminars, webinars and courses of various kinds delivered in a range of modes.

Many of ITD's training activities form part of the various national and European Erasmus+ research projects the institute participates in. Others are held within university courses, as well as research doctorates and internships. In this case, agreements have been established over the years with a number of leading Italian universities, including the University of Genoa and Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Among other aspects, these agreements cover vocational internships and PhD scholarships.

All of ITD's training activities form an integral part of the institute's longstanding and continuing efforts to transfer the knowledge and outputs generated in its research activities.



Since 2021 CNR-ITD has been a member of the network forming EUNICE, the European University for Customised Education. EUNICE brings together seven European universities: Catania University in Italy, Poznan University in Poland, Brandenburg University in Germany, Cantabria University in Spain, Mons University in Belgium, Vaasa University in Finland, and Valencienne University in France. These universities are leading contact points for their respective countries within the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme.

The EUNICE network offers curricular, educational and vocational internships at international level, conducts research activities, and provides professionally-oriented degree courses. It is open to foreign students from the seven participating countries, and covers all tertiary education levels, from undergraduate through to PhD.

CNR-ITD participates in EUNICE as a host institution, helping to further professionalism, foster innovation, and support internationalisation in the business and research worlds.

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