- Main activities and responsibilities
Since first October 1991 I have been working at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), “Istituto di Tecnologie Didattiche e Formative” (ITDF) of Palermo. I work on application of multimedia technology in educational hypermedia systems, networking technologies and methods to present information on Internet. I research new technologies in distance education and co-operative learning system.
Scientific and technical coordinator of International and National projects on mobile learning and Information technologies for blind people.
Since December 2008 co-ordinator of the European project MOTILL - Mobile Technologies in Lifelong Learning: best practices. The project is funded by the European Commission within the National Lifelong Learning Strategies (NLLS) – Transversal programme – Key Activity1: Policy Cooperation and Innovation of the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013.
Scientific and technical coordinator of the MoULe (Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning) project part of the CORFAD project.
Senior developer, responsible for the design and development of several educational software prototypes. Author and manager of Learning Management Systems for online and mobile learning.
Co-author of the VocalSe@rch® a meta-search engine to support blind and visually impaired people in using Internet information tools.
Designer and developer of software mobile agents for educational distributed collaborative systems. Firewall Manger and network security responsible.
From first February to first May 1996 I worked at the University of Surrey, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering - Guilford – United Kingdom on Image Processing. Co-Author of a model for image identification.
- I worked as a computer science teacher in several courses for high school teachers, young employees and unemployed regarding ICT in Education, information technologies and computer programming.
At the moment, I am working on application of new technologies in educational hypermedia systems, integrating tools for blind people, accessible through wireless devices (PDA, mobile phones, etc ..).
Author and/or co-author of several refereed articles. Editor and chapters co-author of/on scientific books.
- Technical skills and competences
- Firewall Manger and local network security responsible (Checkpoint and IpCop systems).
- Senior developer expert in several programming Language (Java, Javascript, VisualStudio.Net C#, C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, Basic, Assembler, HyperTalk, OpenScript, Lingo). Member of the steering committee for Java Italian Association (JIA).
- Expert developer for mobile devices (.Net for Microsoft Windows Mobile and Java for Symbian OS).
- Speech Synthesis and Recognition technologies to develop effective speech applications.
- Operating system administrator for : Windows (All releases), UNIX (Sun Solaris, Digital Unix, Irix, Linux), Apple System, MS-DOS.
- Internet server administrator (Web,ftp,telnet,mailing) for Macintosh, Windows e Unix (Solaris, Digital, Irix e Linux) systems.
- Web Project Manager (expert on web service technologies).
- Multiannual experience in AAA accessible Web designing and developing using innovative technologies.
Arrigo Marco
- Role: Technical officer
- ITD office: Palermo
- Telephone number: 0916809206
- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Projects:
- VocalSe@rch
- Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico nel settore delle ICT per la Didattica e l'Alta Formazione
- Tecnologie informatiche di supporto ai disabili della vista
- Vodie
- Le nuove tecnologie per riscoprire le professioni e la cultura palermitana
- VecNET
- Open QAsS
- Tecnologie per la gestione della conscenza
- Sm@rtinfra-SSHCH
- Astronomia e societa', tra tradizione e innovazione tecnologica
- Energyplus
- Smart Health 2.0
- Studiare Migrando
- Tecnologie della conoscenza per la ricerca e l’imprenditorialità