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Role: Researcher
ITD office: Genoa
Telephone number: 0106475503
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Skype: stefy_b
Bocconi Stefania

Stefania Bocconi is researcher at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Institute for Educational Technology (ITD) since 1999. During 2012, she was Research Fellow at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) based in Seville (SP). She holds a PhD in Cognitive Sciences and Education from the University Ca' Foscari of Venice (IT) and a Laurea in Educational Sciences from the University of Genoa.

Her research interests are in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning and include the use of ICT to innovate pedagogical practices, as well as the impact of new technologies on organisational change. They include:

  • Systemic approach to ICT-enabled innovation for learning
  • One-to-one learning
  • Networked learning and innovative pedagogies
  • Open Educational Resources
  • E-accessibility and e-Inclusion
  • Teachers' competence and professional profile in ICT for education
  • Online tutoring
  • Online communities and communities of practice
  • Web2.0 and social software

Within these topics, she participated in several national and European projects. She has a wide experience in developing methodological approaches to support both student and teacher activities.

At the European Commission JRC-IPTS, in the Information Society Unit, she contributed to projects on ICT for Learning, Creativity and Innovation focusing on main challenges to ICT-enabled innovation for learning and the systemic approach to transform learning organizations ( SCALE CCR projec t). She was also involved in the “1to1 Learning” study, launched by IPTS and carried out by European Schoolnet (EUN) aimed to analyse recent one-to-one computing initiatives in Europe and their impact on the teaching and learning practices.

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