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Role: Technologist
ITD office: Palermo
Telephone number: 0916809204
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Chiazzese Giuseppe
Giuseppe Chiazzese since 1991 has been worked at the Institute for Educational Technologies of the Italian National Research Council. His research concerns the study, design and development of teaching and learning environments, using ICT for supporting collaborative learning; defining new methods and technologies for web learning. He was in charge of several national and international research projects in the field of methodologies and technologies for learning. He was lecturer in Computer Science at the Biological Science Faculty, academic year 2001/2002. He was contract professor of different refresher courses for high school teachers in the field of ICT and teaching and learning processes on the Net. Recently was part of the research group of WHAAM "Web Health Application for Adhd Monitoring" funded by EU LLP - KA3 Multilateral projects where has participated to the designing and development of WHAAM application to support monitoring and intervention process on children behaviour with ADHD. He is actually engaged in the designing and development process of the "Behavioural management model across Europe" (BEHAVE - https://app.behaveproject.eu) and "Behavioural Assessment to improve School Environment" (BASE - https://app.baseproj.eu) systems. Recently he collaborates with the University College of Dublin in the following research projects: ADHD Augmented (https://aha.ucd.ie) European pilot project to study the effect of Augmented Reality in reading literacy educational processes in children with ADHD. FANTASIA - https://fantasia.ucd.ie Erasmus+ KA2 Action Project Partner to study the effectiveness of an educational kit that uses augmented reality in stimulating the learning of scientific reasoning. Actually is engaged as Principal Investigator for ITD within the funded H2020 ARETE (Augmented Reality Interactive Educational System - https://www.areteproject.eu) project for the development of AR solution for Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS) with the aims to investigate the effect of the integration of AR in PBIS teaching and learning interventions processes within classroom settings.
For other details about his personal profile you can access to https://www.cnr.it/en/people/giuseppe.chiazzese/en
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