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Role: Former Staff Member
ITD office: Genoa
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Dettori Giuliana

Giuliana Dettori earned her “laurea” degree in Mathematics at the University of Genova in 1978. Since then, she has been doing research for CNR, initially at the Institute for applied Mathematics, then at the Institute for Educational Technologies, up to retiring on June 1st, 2020. After an initial activity on several topic of applied mathematics, her interests focused on issues of educational technologies, which constitutes her main research field.

During her professional activity, she spent 2 years at Syracuse University (NY, USA), where she worked on declarative programming languages, and 5 months at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (Ecuador), where she taught computer science courses (in Spanish) for both students and faculties.

She was in charge for her institute in several European projects: Waterman (FP IV), Telepeers (FP VI), Efelcren (FP VI), and, within the excellence network Kaleidoscope (FP VI), she coordinated the Special Interest group "Narratives in Learning Environments" and participated in the project "Interaction between learner's internal and external representation in multimedia environments".

Her research activity in educational technologies concerned:

  • The mediation of cultural artefacts in teaching and learning processes, in particular the mediation of different kinds of representation, of narrative activities and of technological tools.
  • The practice and development of self-regulated learning (SRL), in particular within technology-rich and collaborative environments.
  • ICT integration in teaching and learning and their contribution to develop cognitive and social practices, in relation to both school practice and teacher training.

Her main outcomes (in collaboration with various researchers) include:

  • Two original approaches to the study of SRL in technology-rich environments, in particular in relation to cognitive and social dynamics in online learning.
  • A teacher training model based on sharing educational materials and reflections on use experiences.
  • A model to analyse and classify narrative learning environments.
  • In depth analysis and reflection on several educational issues.
  • As concerns her initial activity in applied mathematics, she developed several algorithms to model lines and surfaces with particular morphological features, for polygonal approximation and for digital terrains modelling.

Besides her scientific production, which includes about 300 papers of different kinds, she taught for about 10 years in a PhD program in digital humanities and performed projects’ evaluation tasks for several agencies, as well as reviewing tasks for countless journals and conferences.

Scientific production

(for citations, see her page on Google Scholar )

ICT in education

Main publications

G. Dettori, S. Torsani (2014). Yahoo!Answers as a space for informal language learning. Social Sciences, Special issue on New Media and Social learning, 3(4), 841-853. download

G. Dettori, S. Torsani (2013). Enriching Formal Language Learning with an Informal Social Component. Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 93-103. ISSN: 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print). download

G. Dettori, S. Torsani (2012). An approach to exploit social bookmarking to improve formal language learning. In E. Popescu, Q. Li, R. Klamma, H. Leung, & M. Specht, (Eds.) (Eds.), Advances in Web-based Learning - ICWL 2012, LNCS 7558, pp. 1--10. Springer, Heidelberg ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-33642-3 download

G. Dettori, V.Lupi (2011). Innovative language learning in the multimedia lab. International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL), 9(1), 98-112. ISSN (Online): 1741-8089 (Print): 1471-8197 download

G. Dettori (2010). Reflections on the design and realization of an online course. Proc. Internat. Conf. e-Learning 2010, pp. 151-156. ISBN: 978-972-8939-17-5 download

G. Dettori, M. Bonizzone (2010). Stimulating creativity and negotiation skills by means of online collaborative poetry. Proc. Internat. Conference ICT 2010, Singapore, June 2010. ISBN: 978-981-08-6217-6 download

G. Dettori, V. Lupi (2010). ICT and new methodologies in language learning. In H. Uzunboylu (ed.), Innovation and Creativity in Education, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), pp. 2712-2716. ISSN: 1877-0428 download

M. Delfino, G. Dettori, V. Lupi (2009). Task-based learning and ICT: creative activities in the context of a European project. elearning Papers, vol. 16, www.elearningpapers.eu ISSN 1887-1542 download

G. Dettori, V. Lupi (2009). Innovative activities in a multimedia lab for language learning. International Conference on ICT in teaching and Learning - ICT2009, pp. 104-111. Hong Kong, July 2009. ISBN 978-962-7707-65-3

G.Dettori, M. Ott (2006). Looking beyond the performance of grave underachievers in mathematics. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41(4), pp.201-208. ISSN: 1053-4512 download

G. Dettori, M. Ott (2003). Considerations on Universal Access and Universal Design as concerns Educational Software. In C. Stephanidis (ed.), Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive design in the Information Society, pp. 1093-1097. Laurence Erlbaum Associates, Pub, Mahwah, NJ. ISBN-10: 0805849335 download

G. Dettori, M. Ott, M. Tavella (2003). Software didattico e difficoltà in matematica, TD -Tecnologie Didattiche, 28, pp. 60-64. ISSN 1970-061X download

G. Dettori (2002). Introducing IT in Mathematics Education: Prospects for Curriculum Revision and Teacher Training. In Subject Teaching and Teacher Education in the New Century: Research and Innovation, Yin Cheong Cheng; Kwok Tung Tsui; King Wai Chow; Mo Ching Mok, M. (Eds.), Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education & Dodrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.141-165. ISBN 978-962-949-060-7 download

G. Dettori, M. Ott, M. Tavella (2002). Integrating the use of educational software in primary school teaching by shaping learning itineraries. International Conference on ICT in Education, ICTE 2002, Badajoz (Spain), nov. 02. ISBN 84-95251-76-0 download

G. Dettori, R. Garuti, E. Lemut (2001). From Arithmetic to Algebraic Thinking by Using a Spreadsheet. In Perspectives on School Algebra, R. Sutherland, T.Rojano, A.Bell and R.Lins (eds.), Mathematics Education Library, V. 22, Dodrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub., pp.191-207. ISBN: 978-0-7923-6462-7 download

G. Dettori, M. Ott (2001). Accessible software for early Maths education: focusing on content, strategies, interface. In C. Stephanidis (ed.), Universal Access in HCI: towards an information society for all, pp. 798-802. Mahwah, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN: 0805836098 download

G.Dettori, M.Ott (2000). Dossier SVITA: le FAQ - Un’analisi di alcuni aspetti del progetto SVITA in forma di domande e risposte, TD -Tecnologie Didattiche, 21(3), pp. 22-25. ISSN 1970-061X download

G. Dettori (1999). Introducing ICT in Mathematics Teaching: Implications on Curriculum Revision and Teacher Training, Intern. Conference on Teacher Education - ICTED 1999, Hong Kong, feb.1999; CD-ROM.

M. Ott, R.M. Bottino, G. Dettori, F. Micheletto, E. Pesenti (1999). Difficoltà logico-matematiche e computer. II Riunione di aggiornamento “Disturbi di apprendimento e di adattamento scolastico; aspetti clinici e riabilitativi”, Genova, 1/9/99

G. Dettori, S. Greco, E. Lemut (1998). Information Tecnology and Problem Solving in mathematics education, in G.Marshall and M. Ruohonen (eds.), Capacity building for IT in Education in Developing Countries, pp. 299-307. London: Chapman & Hall, IFIP series. ISBN 0-412-81460-9

R.M. Bottino, G. Chiappini, G. Dettori, E. Lemut (1998). Tecnologie dell'informazione nell'apprendimento della matematica. Ricerca & Futuro, n. 9, Nov. 1998, pp.81-82. ISSN 1593-4985

G. Dettori (1997). Considerazioni sull' attività in laboratorio informatico e sulla sua articolazione con l'attività in classe. In Gallo, E. et al. (eds.), Conferenze e Seminari 1996-1997, Associazione Subalpina Mathesis, Torino.

G. Dettori, S. Greco, E. Lemut (1997). Complementing different software environments to mediate the introduction of variable, parameter and unknown, in Information and Communication Technologies in School Mathematics, D.Tinsley and D.Johnson (eds.), London: Chapman Hall, IFIP series, pp. 229-232. ISBN:0412821001 download

G. Dettori, S. Greco, E .Lemut (1997). Making work in the lab a shared experience for the whole class, 49th C.I.E.A.E.M. International Conference on “The interactions in the Mathematics Classroom”, Setúbal (Portugal), pg. 255-261

V. Auricchio, G. Dettori, S. Greco, E. Lemut (1996). Learning to bridge classroom and lab activities in math education. In Information technology: supporting change through teacher education, D. Passey and B. Samways (eds.), London: Chapman & Hall, IFIP Series, pp. 245-253. ISBN 0 412 79760 7. download

G. Dettori, R. Garuti, E. Lemut, L. Netchitailova (1995). An analysis of the relationship between spreadsheet and algebra. In Technology in Mathematics Teaching: a Bridge between Teaching and Learning, L. Burton and B. Jaworsky (eds.), Lund: Chartwell-Bratt, pp. 261-274. ISBN 91 44 60711 3 download

G. Dettori, E. Lemut, L. Netchitailova (1994). Spreadsheet: A Tool toward Algebra?. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, vol. 52, N.3; pp. 235-248. ISSN 0373-124 download

G. Chiappini, G. Dettori, E. Lemut (1992). Linguistic planning and cultural deficiencies in problem solving with the computer. In Proc. WG 17 “Technology in the service of the math. curriculum, ICME 7, 1992 (K.D. Graf, N. Malara, N. Zehavi, J. Ziegenbalg eds.), pp.77-86.

R.M. Bottino, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M.T. Molfino (1985). An Experience on using artificial intelligence in education. Kybernetic '85, Budapest, 1985.

R.M. Bottino, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M.T. Molfino (1985). Developing expert systems for education: an experimental project. Cognitiva '85, Paris, pp. 502-505.

Book edition

A. Andronico, G, Dettori, L. Ferlino, G. Olimpo (Eds.), (2003). Atti del convegno Nazionale Didamatica 2003, Genova

E. Lemut, B. du Boulay, G. Dettori (Eds.), (1993). Cognitive Models and Intelligent Environments for Learning Programming, Berlin: Springer, Series F, vol. 111. ISBN 3-540-56580-9

G. Dettori, E. Lemut (Eds.) (1992). Proceedings del NATO Advanced Research Workshop on ognitive Models and Intelligent Environments for Learning Programming, Genova.

Self-regulated learning, Metacognition, Learning to learn

Main Publications

G. Dettori (2013). Demystifying self-regulated learning. Future Learning (ISSN 2211-5609), 2(1), 67-71 download

G. Dettori, V. Lupi (2013). Self-observation and shared reflection to improve pronunciation in L2. In R. Azevedo & V. Aleven (Eds.), International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies. Springer, Berlin, DE. download

M. Delfino, G. Dettori, D. Persico (2011). Influence of Task Nature on Learner Self-Regulation in Online Activities. In G. Dettori & D. Persico (Eds.), Fostering Self-regulated learning with ICTs (pp.147-163). IGI Global, Hershey, PA. ISBN13: 9781616929015 download

G. Dettori, V. Lupi (2010). Improving L2 pronunciation with audio technology and reflective collaboration. Proc. Intern. Conference ICERI 2010, L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres (Eds.), pp. 3370-3376, IATED, Valencia, Spain. Madrid, Nov. 2010. ISBN: 978-84-614-2439-9 download

M. Delfino, G. Dettori, D. Persico (2010). An online course fostering self-regulation of trainee teachers. Psichotema, 22(2), 299-305. ISSN 1886-144X download

M. Delfino, G. Dettori, D. Persico (2009). Imparare ad imparare con le tecnologie. TD-Tecnologie Didattiche, 46. ISSN 1970-061X download

M. Delfino, G. Dettori, D. Persico (2009). Apprendimento autoregolato e CSCL, in: Andronico A., Colazzo L., Atti Didamatica 2009, informatica per la la didattica, CD ROM. ISBN 978-88-8443-277-3 download

G. Dettori, D. Persico (2008). Detecting Self-Regulated Learning in Online Communities by Means of Interaction Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 1(1), 11-19. (ISSN: 1939-1382 ) download

M. Delfino, G. Dettori, D. Persico (2008). Self-regulated learning in virtual communities, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 17, 3, 195-205. ISSN: 1475-939X download

G. Dettori, Persico D. (2008). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning with ICT. In A. Cartelli & M. Palma (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Information and Communication Technology, 735-741, Idea Group, Hershey, USA. ISBN: 978-1-59904-845-1 10.4018/978-1-59904-845-1.ch097 download

G. Dettori, D. Persico (2008). Using Interaction Analysis to reveal Self-regulated Learning in Virtual Communities , In P. Dillenbourg & M. Specht (Eds) , Proc. 3rd EC-TEL - Times of Convergence, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5192, 1-14, Springer, Berlin. (ISSN: 0302-9743) download

G. Dettori, D. Persico (2007). Supporting Self-regulated Learning in a Blended Course. In: Blended Learning, J.Fong and Fu Lee Wang (eds), 174-185 , Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 981-06-7903-3. download

G. Dettori, D. Persico (2007). Indicators of self-regulation in computer supported collaborative learning. In Uzunboylu H., Cavus N. (eds) , Proc. 7th Int.Educational Technology Conference, Near East Univ., Nicosia, North Cyprus, vol.II, pp.148-153, 2007. ISBN 978-975-8359-43-1

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, T. Giannetti, (2006) Teachers' sharing of pedagogical experience in a learning environment that supports SRL. In P. Tsang, R. Kwan & R. Fox (eds.), Enhancing Learning Through Technology. Selected Proc. International Conference ICT in Teaching and Learning, Hong-Kong July 10-11 2006. ISBN: 978-981-270-558-7 download

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti, D. Persico (2006). SRL in Online Cooperative Learning: implications for pre-service teacher training. European Journal of Education, 41 (3/4), 397-414. ISSN: 0141-8211. download

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti (2006). Narrative creation and self-regulated learning: Analyzing the support given by a technology-mediated authoring tool. In G. Dettori, T. Giannetti, A. Paiva and A. Vaz (eds.), Technology-mediated Narrative Environments for Learning, pp.133-142, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, NL. ISBN 90-77874-15-1 download

G. Dettori, D. Persico (2006). How can technology enhanced learning environments support self - regulated learning? In: Higher Education - trends for modernisation, Vladimir Gutu Ed., CEP USM, 2006, pp. 386-393 ISBN 978-9975-70-687-2 (relazione invitata al convegno Higher Education - trends for modernization, Chisinau, Moldova, 27-28 Settembre 2006)

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti, D. Persico (2006). Technologie didattiche per autoregolazione dell’apprendimento. III congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di e-learning SIE-L, Roma, luglio 2006, Atti a cura di A. Colorini e M. Pegoraro, pp.63-65

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri and T. Giannetti (2005). Supporting Teachers SRL in a Collaborative Environment for Sharing Learning Objects. Workshop on "eLearning and Human-Computer Interaction: Exploring the Design Synergies for more Effective Learning Experiences" within the 10th IFIP TC13 International

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti, D. Persico (2005). Analysing SRL in an online collaborative environment: a case study in teacher education. In Methods and Technologies for learning, G. Chiazzese, M. Allegra, A. Chifari and S. Ottaviano (eds.), pp. 67-74. Southampton, Boston: WIT Press. (ISBN 978-1-84564-155-9). download

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti (2005). Developing Self-Regulated Learning in ICT-based Narrative Environments. Workshop on Narrative Learning Environments within the International Conference AIED (Amsterdam, NL July 2005). download

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti & D. Persico (2005) CMC environments supporting self-regulated learning. Internat. Conference M-ICTE 2005, Caceres (E), 7-10 giugno 2005, pp.379-383. ISBN 84-609-5994-5 download

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti, D. Persico (2005). Communities of Practice, virtual learning communities and self-regulated learning. In Proc. Taconet Conference, pubblicati come: Self-regulated learning in technology-enhanced learning environments, R. Carneiro, K. Steffens and J. Underwood Eds., pp. 126-133. Shaker Verlag (ISBN 3-8322-4741-6)

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri (2004). Fostering prospective teachers' abilities of learning to learn within an ICT preparation course. International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2004), pp. 91-98. Lisbon, Portugal, 15-17 December 2004. ISBN: 972-98947-7-9 download

Book edition

G. Dettori, D. Persico (Eds.) (2011). Fostering Self-regulted learning through ICTs. IGI Global, Hershey, PA. ISBN13: 9781616929015

Narrative Learning

Main Publications

G. Dettori (2013). Constructing a story world: what contribution  to learning? Presented at the VIS2013 online conference. download

G. Dettori (2012). Supporting learners’ interaction by means of narrative activities. In Jiyou Jia (Ed.), Educational Stages and Interactive learning: from kindergaden to workplace training (pp. 107-120). IGI Global, Hershey, PA. ISBN: 978-1-4666-0137-6 download

G. Dettori (2011). Supporting knowledge flow in web-based environments by means of narrative. In G. Trentin (Ed.), Technology and Knowledge Flows: The power of networks (pp. 51-66). Chandos Publishing, Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978 1 84334 646 3 download

G. Dettori (2011). Online sharing of written narrations to gain awareness of personal beliefs. Workshop Hypertext and narrative within the ACM international conference Hypertext 2011, June 6–9, 2011, Eindhoven, NL. ISBN: 9780854329366 download

G. Dettori (2011). Definizione di Narrative Learning Envronments. Thesaurus and Dictionary su Technology-Enhanced learning curato da Telearn, Stellar & Telearc

G. Dettori, F. Morselli (2010). Un’attività narrativa per far emergere i beliefs sulla dimostrazione. Insegnamento della Matematica e delle Scienze Integrate (IMSI), 33(4), 434-456 download

G. Dettori (2010). Narrative to support knowledge flow in collaborative learning. Proc. Intern. Conference ICERI 2010, L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belenguer, I. Candel Torres (Eds.) , pp. 4460-4466, IATED, Valencia, Spain. Madrid, Nov. 2010. ISBN: 978-84-614-2439-9 download

G. Dettori, F. Morselli (2010). Eliciting beliefs with a narrative activity in mathematics teacher education. Proc. International Workshop MAVI 2009, pp. 89-99, Genoa, Sept 2009. ISBN: 978-88-904930-0-3 download

G. Dettori, A. Paiva (2009). Narrative Learning in technology-enhanced environments. In S. Ludvigsen, N. Balacheff, T. de Jong, A. Lazonder, and S. Barnes (eds.), Technology-enhanced learning: Principles and products, pp.55-69. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020-9826-0 download

G. Dettori, V. Lupi (2009). Using a narrative blog to support reflection in a blended course. In F.L. Wang et al. (eds.), Hybrid learning and education, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5685, Springer, Berlin, pp. 274-283. (ISBN-13: 978-3642036965). download

G. Dettori, V. Lupi (2008). Se raconter dans un blog: une expérience pour guider les enseignants FLE à la réflexivité. Colloque Langues, espaces, numériques et diversité, Limoges (F), ottobre 2008. download

G. Dettori, F. Morselli (2008). Accessing knowledge through narrative context. In Kendall M. and Samways B. (eds), Proc. IFIP, Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society, vol.281, 253-260, Springer. (ISI Proceedings ISBN 978-0-387-09728-2). download

G. Dettori (2008). Narrative Learning Environments. In A. Cartelli & M. Palma (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Information and Communication Technology, 576-583, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, USA, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-59904-845-1

G. Dettori (2008). Improving web-based learning by means of narrative, In: Fong J., et al. (eds) , Hybrid Learning and Education, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5169, Springer, Berlin, pp. 115-124. (ISSN: 0302-9743). download

G. Dettori, F. Morselli (2008). Creare contesti di apprendimento mediante un’attività narrativa, TD-Tecnologie Didattiche, 42, pp. 25-31. ISSN 1970-061X download

G. Dettori (2007). Narrative Learning Environments and Mobile Learning: A Good Relationship?, In: Arnedillo-Sanchez I. et al (eds), Proc. Beyond Mobile Learning Workshop - Kaleidoscope Mobile Learning SIG, 8-11, Trinity College/Dublin Press. ISBN 1871408482

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti (2006). Narrative creation and self-regulated learning: Analyzing the support given by a technology-mediated authoring tool. In G. Dettori, T. Giannetti, A. Paiva and A. Vaz (eds.), Technology-mediated Narrative Environments for Learning, pp.133-142, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, NL. ISBN 90-77874-15-1 download

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti (2006). Ambienti narrativi per l’apprendimento. TD-Tecnologie Didattiche, 37, pp. 20-27. ISSN 1970-061X download

S. Demetriadis, P. Papadopoulos, G. Dettori, T. Giannetti, F. Fischer (2005). Scripts and narrative control in the design of case-based learning environments for supporting students’ context awareness. Internat. Conference M-ICTE 2005, Caceres, (E) 7-10 giugno 2005, pp.1222-1226. ISBN 84-609-5994-5 download

Book edition

G. Dettori, T. Giannetti, A. Paiva, A. Vaz (Eds.) (2006). Technology-Mediated Narrative Environments for Learning. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam- Taipei. ISBN 90-77874-15-1

Learning objects and Teacher training

Main publications

G. Dettori (2013). Fostering teachers professional growth by promoting a culture of educational sharing. Invited paper the International Symposium Teachers professional culture. Current requirements, May 16-17, 2013, Chisinau, Moldova. download

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M.G. Ierardi (2009). Improving the Usefulness of Learning Objects by Means of Pedagogy-Oriented Design. In M.R Syed (ed.), Methods and Applications for Advancing Distance Education Technologies: International Issues and Solutions (pp. 120-133). Hershey, IGI Global. ISBN: 1605663425 download

G. Dettori, Forcheri P., Ierardi M.G. (2008). Introducing learning objects in teacher preparation. In: R. Kwan, R. Fox, P. Tsang & F. T. Chan (eds), Enhancing learning through technology, 81-95.World Scientific Publ. ISBN: 978-981-279-944-9 download

E. Busetti, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M. G. Ierardi (2008). From Learning Objects to educational itineraries: helping teachers to exploit repositories. In Advances in Web Based Learning, Leung, H., Li, F., Lau, R., Li, Q. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4823, 496-507. (ISSN: 0302-9743 ISBN: 3-540-78138-2). download

E. Busetti., G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M. G. Ierardi (2007). A Pedagogical Approach to the Design of Learning Objects for Complex Domains, Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 5, 2, 1-17. ISSN 1539-3100. download

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, T. Giannetti, (2006) Teachers' sharing of pedagogical experience in a learning environment that supports SRL. In P. Tsang, R. Kwan & R. Fox (eds.), Enhancing Learning Through Technology. Selected Proc. International Conference ICT in Teaching and Learning, Hong-Kong July 10-11 2006. ISBN: 978-981-270-558-7 download

Busetti E., Dettori G., Forcheri P., Ierardi M.G., (2006) Promoting Teachers' Collaborative Re-use of Educational Materials, In Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing, Wolfgang Nejdl and Klaus Tochtermann Eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4227, Springer, 61-73. ISSN: 0302-9743 ISBN: 978-3-540-45777-0 download

G. Dettori, Forcheri P., Ierardi M.G., (2006). Endowing LOs with a Social Dimension, In Advances in Web Based Learning – ICWL 2006 (Revised papers), Wenyin Liu, Qing Li and Rynson W.H. Lau Eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4181, Springer, 189-202 (ISSN: 0302-9743). download

E. Busetti, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M. G. Ierardi (2005). A pedagogical approach to the design of learning objects. Internat. Conference M-ICTE 2005, Caceres (E), 7-10 giugno 2005, pp. 290-294. ISBN 84-609-5994-5 download

E. Busetti, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M. G. Ierardi (2004). Guidelines towards effectively sharable LOs. In Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2004, Liu, Wenyin; Shi, Yuanchun; Qing, Li (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3143, Berlin: Springer, pp. 416-423. (ISSN: 0302-9743). ISBN: 978-3-540-22542-3 download

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri (2004). Fostering prospective teachers' abilities of learning to learn within an ICT preparation course. International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2004), pp. 91-98. Lisbon, Portugal, 15-17 December 2004. ISBN: 972-98947-7-9 download

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri (2003). A retrospection on ICT in teacher education: what can we learn? 2nd Internat. Conf. on Multimedia and ICT in Education, Badajoz (ES), Dec. 2003, pp. 17-21. ISBN 84-96212-09-2 download

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M.T. Molfino, S. Moretti, A. Quarati (2002). Shaping teacher preparation content according to emerging pedagogical paradigms. International Conference on Computers in Education - ICCE 2002, Aukland (NZ), 3-6 Dec.02, IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp.1044-1048 (ISI proceedings ISBN 0-7803-7300-6). download

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M.G. Ierardi (2007). Introducing Learning Objects in Teacher preparation. Proceedings of the International Conference ICT2007: Enhancing Learning through Technology, pp. 195-203 Hong Kong, 9-10 July 2007. ISBN 978-962-7707-55-4

E. Busetti, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M.G. Ierardi (2007). Condivisione di materiali didattici ed esperienze: un aiuto alla formazione dei docenti. In: Andronico A., Casadei G., Atti Didamatica 2007, Informatica per la didattica, vol.II, pp. 811-820, Soc.Editrice Asterisco snc

E. Busetti, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M.G. Ierardi (2006). Teachers’ appreciation of a collaborative environment on LOs. 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies – ICALT 2006, pp. 939-943. (ISBN 0-7695-2632-2).

E. Busetti, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M. G. Ierardi, (2006) The role of LOs in building teachers communities of learning, Proceedings of m-ICTE 2006, Siviglia, Spain, December 2006. In Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education, A. Mendez-Vilas et al. Eds., FORMATEX, Badajoz, Spain pp.1601-1605 , ISBN 84-690-2474-4

E. Busetti, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M. G. Ierardi (2005). Devising a typology of LOs based on pedagogical assumptions. In Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2005, Rynson Lau et al (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3583, Berlin: Springer, pp.375-386. (ISSN: 0302-9743). ISBN: 978-3-540-27895-5  download

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri and T. Giannetti (2005). Supporting Teachers’ SRL in a Collaborative Environment for Sharing Learning Objects. Workshop on "eLearning and Human-Computer Interaction: Exploring the Design Synergies for more Effective Learning Experiences" within the 10th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2005 (Roma, Settembre 2005). (ISBN 3-540-28943-7)

E. Busetti, G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M. G. Ierardi (2005). Preparing Teachers to the use of LOs: an analysis of conceptions. 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies – ICALT 2005, 669 - 673. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 5-8, 2005. (ISBN 0-7695-2338-2) download

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri (2003). Combining different learning approaches: an experience in post-graduate teacher education. 3rd International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2003 Heidelberg, (Germany), 2003

G. Dettori, P. Forcheri, M.T. Molfino (2003). Using ICT to implement learning as a problem solving activity. Inten. Conference PEG 2003, St.Petersburg (Russia), luglio 2003

Representations for learning

Main publications

G. Dettori, E. Lemut (1995). External Representations in Arithmetic Problem Solving. In Exploiting Mental Imagery with Computers in Mathematics Education, R. Sutherland and J.Mason eds., Berlin: Springer Verlag, Series F, vol.138, 1995, pp.20-33. ISBN: 3540585826 download

G. Dettori, R. Garuti, E. Lemut, A. Mariotti (1996). Evolution of Conceptions in a Mathematical Modeling Educational Context. PME 96, Valencia, pp. 2-305 - 2-312. download

G. Dettori, E. Lemut (1994). Relating Effective Representations and Hypothesis Production in Arithmetic Problem Solving. 46th C.I.E.A.E.M. International Conference on Graphical and symbolical representation from primary school to university, Toulouse (France), pp. 198-205

E. Lemut, G. Dettori (1995). Representations in Problem Solving Activities. Internat. Symposium on Elementary Maths Teaching - SEMT '95, Praga.

GIS, Computer graphics, CS

Main publications

G. Dettori, E. Puppo (1998). Designing a library to support model-oriented generalization. ACM GIS Symposium, Washigton, USA, Nov. 98, pp. 34-39. download

G. Dettori, E. Puppo (1997). How Generalization Interacts with the Topological and Metric Structure of Maps. In Advances in GIS Research II, M. J. Kraak & M. Molenaar (eds.), London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 559-570. ISBN: 978-0-7484-0267-0. download

E. Puppo, G. Dettori (1995). Towards a formal model for multiresolution spatial maps. In M.J. Egenhofer, J.R. Herring (eds.), Advances in Spatial Databases – SSD95, (pp. 152-169) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, n. 951, Berlin: Springer Verlag, ISSN: 0302-9743 ISBN 978-3-540-60159-3. download

E. Albino, G. Dettori, G. Gottlob (1988). A Multiple Answer Prolog System for Decomposing a Database into Boyce-Codd Normal Form. Internat. Journ. on Policy and Information, vol.12, n.1, pp. 53-73. ISSN 0251-1266 download

G. Dettori (1986). Recent results in polygonal approximation. Advances in Modelling and Simulation, vol.6, n.2, pp.35-57. ISSN 0761-2494 download

L. De Floriani, G. Dettori (1986). Data structures for computer graphics. AMSE Review, vol.3, n.2, pp.33-55. ISSN 0761-2486

L. P. Cordella, G. Dettori (1985). An O(n) algorithm for polygonal approximation. Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.3, pp.93-97.(ISSN: 0167-8655). download

L. De Floriani, G. Dettori (1985). An interpolant with tension defined over triangles. Computer Graphics Forum, 4(4) 359-362. (ISSN 0167-7055). download

G. Dettori, F. Bignone (1988). A Mathematical Model for Describing Random Networks. International Computer Science Conference '88, Hong Kong, pp. 413-416. download

P. Asirelli, P. Castorina, G. Dettori (1987). A Proposal for a Graphics-oriented Logic Database System. II Intern. Conf. on Computers and Applications, pp. 350-351. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press download

S. Antoy, G. Dettori (1983). Is Pascal suitable for GKS?. ACM Sigplan Notices, 18(5), 11-14. (ISSN: 0362-1340). download

L. P. Cordella, G. Dettori (1983). Choice of the error norm for piecewise linear approximation of curves. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp.782-785. Bombay, India, Dec. 1983. ISBN 74-170870 download

S. Antoy, G. Dettori (1983). Towards GKS binding to Pascal. Eurographics '83, Zagreb, pp. 211-214. ISBN: 0444867708 download

G. Dettori (1982). An on-line algorithm for polygonal approximation of digitized plane curves. 6th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, pp.739-741. ISBN 9993628476 download

G. Dettori, B. Falcidieno (1982). An algorithm for selecting main points on a line. Computers and Geosciences, vol.8, n.1, pp.3-10. (ISSN: 0098-3004) download

L. De Floriani, G. Dettori, V. Gianuzzi, B. Falcidieno, C. Pienovi (1981). A graphical system for geographical data processing in a minicomputer environment. Signal Processing, 3 (3), pp.253-257. download

L. De Floriani, G. Dettori (1981). An interpolation method for surfaces with tension. Advances in Engineering Software, vol.3, n.4, pp.151-154. ISSN: 0965-9978 download

G. Dettori (1980). Interpolation for CAD using curves with tension. In E. Absi, R. Glowinski, P. Lescaux, H. Veysseyre (eds.), Numerical Methods for Engineering, pp. 963-973. Dunod, Parigi. download

L. De Floriani, G. Dettori (1980). Surfaces interpolation methods over rectangular and triangular grids. In E. Absi, R. Glowinsky, P. Lescaux, H. Veysseyre (eds.), Numerical Methods for Engineering, pp.163-174 Dunod, Parigi. download

Book edition

G. Dettori (Ed.) (1986). Atti del I Convegno Nazionale sulla Programmazione Logica, Genova.

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