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Role: Former Staff Member
ITD office: Genoa
Telephone number: 0106475321
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: maurotavmaurotavel
Tavella Mauro

I am researcher of the Institute of Learning Technologies since 1983, and I initially dealt with computer assisted education (CAE) systems and hypermedia systems.

I contributed to design and implementation of several hypermedia systems within national and European projects.

Since 2000 my research areas are the following:

  • "The school of the future: models, methodologies and prototypes for educational innovation,"
  • "Digital resources for learning"
  • "Educational Technologies and social problems"
  • "Technologies for teaching continuing education and service"

Among the more recent projects is highlighted

  • LABTD project: design, development of a prototype training center for in service teachers. The project is aimed at encouraging at the local level, the development of teachers' skills through good practice examples of use of technology in education
  • AesseDi project: accessibility of educational software in schools
  • ReMath project: design of a computational environment for the creation and use of pedagogical plans
  • SoDiLinux project: creation of a live Linux distribution that collects OpenSource educational softwares for Linux developed by hundreds of programmers worldwide

I gained experience in the design and implementation of web sites, with the most innovative technologies, meeting the recent standards of accessibility and usability.

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