It is with sorrow that we communicate that - due to the painful events and the upheavals of developments that arose
as an echo of the tragedy in Tempe (Greece) - the conference hosting the PLEIADE Multiplier Event has been cancelled
and is postponed to April, 1st - 2nd. The Multiplier Event will take place on April, 2th with the same programme.
We apologize if this caused any inconvenience, but we are sure of your understanding.
All our sympathy goes to the Greek people.
We are please to announce on March, 12th 2023 the PLEIADE International Multiplier Event will take place in Athens (hybrid format).
The PLEIADE project is an Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership for Schools that proposes an approach to Teacher Professional Development to support teachers in establishing inclusion as a cornerstone of their practice by creating collaborative learning activities for their students. The project draws from research outcomes in several areas: Learning Design methods and tools, collaborative learning, inclusive education, practice sharing behaviours and, last but not least, gamification and games for learning.
During the Multiplier Event, the Intellectual Outputs produced by the project will be shared and the main lessons learnt from the project will be discussed.
The Event is organized within the annual "Cutting Edge Technologies conference" held at the Avgoulea-Linardatou Private School. The conference and the Event are organized in hybrid format and can be attended both f2f or online.
Further info about the general conference can be found here:
The Multiplier Event programme can be downloaded from the following link:
Registration is free of charge, but is mandatory, using this registration form:
Please make sure you select the 4 sessions related to the PLEIADE project and specify your COUNTRY in the same field of your institution.
Feel free to share this information within your contacts!