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Experimental network for educational use of Web 2.0 in teaching school
Begins: 2008-01-01
Ends: 2009-12-31
ITD reference office: Genoa

Logo ALADIN 2.0
Experimental network for educational use of Web 2.0 in teaching school 


The plurality of resources of Web 2.0 opens new horizons on the use of ICT in teaching and education at school. Hence the need for support to teachers in exploring this new world through experimental actions aimed at a gradual, autonomous and informed approach to Web 2.0. Such familiarization starts with (self-directed) small projects in one’s teaching subject and in a given time span, hence easier to integrate/interweave in the curriculum.


ALADIN 2.0 (ALto ADige Instructional Network) aims at devising, designing and experimenting a system action to enhance designing skills in the use of Web 2.0 in teaching and education. To this purpose informal learning processes within online teachers communities will be favoured with the support of senior members (ICT expert teachers) and the supervision of ITD-CNR researchers.


The research activity will take place in the Alto Adige area and will gather teachers’ communities willing to experiment the use of Web 2.0 within their teaching.

The key idea consists in research-action activities which lead to the design and experimentation of approaches centered on ICT resources familiar to the students through the collaborative design and/or share of locally or geographically developed projects.

Expected results

  • As to teachers’ communities: an in-service teacher training model on the instructional use of Web 2.0 during which short formal initiatives trigger and/or strengthen continuing informal learning processes favoured by synergic actions among members of a community of practice and/or of research-action.
  • As to students: an instructional use model for Web 2.0 able to awaken/educate students to an informed relationship with ever available ICT both for study and everyday use. In other words, a sort of “civics” for the net able to fight rash actions induced by the expressive freedom of the net itself.
Project manager:
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