Due to the ever growing need for lifelong professional education, formative processes should increasingly allow the user to provide autonomously to their training in a specific area. This goal could be attained through an increased mastery of a variety of ICTs both in the field of applications and in that of management/sharing of knowledge and interaction in online professional communities.
In this respect sustainability of any ICT-supported formative event will depend on its ability both to educate "formally" through pre-established pathways and to "meta-educate", i.e. to take advantage of ICT-based tools to become familiar with them and adopt them in current vocational training and face daily problems in real time.
The research work aims at devising and experimenting formal/informal teaching approaches based on both acquired knowledge and knowledge to be acquired within online professional communities.
The activity is based on direct experimentation of approaches studied within continuing Health education.
The specific experimenting contexts will be some training projects within Toscana and Liguria Health Depts.
Methodological approaches to computer-assisted knowledge prepresentation, both conceptual and procedural, aimed at facilitatine both the exchange and share of knowledge/practices in critial conditions and professional problem solvine activity through the analysis of the above criticità and modelling of solutions.
Professional co-writing online strategies based on the use of wiki environments and aimed at managing/sharing common knowledge.