This project aimed to evaluate the support to Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) provided by Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments (TELEs). SRL is a cross-curricular competence which supports life-long learning by helping people become independent learners and by favouring the transfer of learning strategies and problem solving methods across different learning situations. TELEs are currently the most diffused way to exploit ICT in education. Having at disposal TELEs structured and implemented so as to support SRL, therefore, results extremely beneficial: not only does it cater for most effective learning environments, but it can also improve the learning abilities of students and hence prepare them to successfully cope with life-long learning.
To this end, the effort of the TELEPEERS project concentrated on identifying TELE’s features on which SRL support appears to depend. This aim was achieved by working out the following products:
- TELE-SRL, a questionnaire calling teachers’ attention on features of TELEs that support SRL. It is suitable to be used by a teacher or mentor either before carrying out some activity with a TELE, in order to help planning for SRL-supporting activities, or after it, in order to evaluate its possible impact. This questionnaire constitutes the summary of the evaluation approach developed in the project
- TELESTUDENTS-SRL, a questionnaire to be assigned to students after carrying out a learning activity with a TELE, in order to check their perception of the SRL-supporting features.
- A wide set of case-studies with TELEs of the most diverse types, carried out by applying the above questionnaires. From the results these case-studies a number of best practices were selected and collected in three reports, to provide examples and guidelines for the evaluation approach developed.
- The TArgeted COoperative NEtwork (TACONET), an international forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences of individuals and institutions from academia, business and communities of practice who are interested in TELEs that support Self-Regulated Learning. Taconet, which is continuing its activity after the end of the project, is open for free to all interested parties. On its web site all the materials and case studies developed in the TELEPEERS project are available to download.
Project participants:
Universität zu Köln / Germany (Karl Steffens, project coordinator)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / The Netherlands (Jos Beishuizen)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa / Portugal (Roberto Carneiro)
Aalborg Universitet / Denmark (Ellen Christiansen)
CNR Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche / Italy (Giuliana Dettori)
Nottingham Trent University / U.K. (Jean Underwood)
Universitat de Barcelona / Spain (Antonio Bartolomé)
Université de Technologie de Compiegne / France (Philippe Trigano)
Universitetet i Bergen / Norway (Rune Baggetun)