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The issue of the relation between the educational system and marginal students (the disabled, immigrants, subjects with learning difficulties etc..) is faced from an inclusive point of view, i.e. creating learning communities that keep into account everybody's rights and are able to operate on the grounds of characteristics and needs of each individual instead of accepting these people in a structured, unchangeable system. By the term "e-inclusion" we mean the process supported by ICT. ITD has carried out research work in this field for many years in order to set up technological tools to favour inclusion of all students in the school system and also to create models for the use of these tools in order to attain the required and sometimes unexpected goals. To this purpose ITD carries out the following actions:

  • development of new competencies of teachers and putting existing skills to good use by working directly in Italian schools. ITD promotes and implements experimentations and research-action projects which involve students with difficulties;
  • production of innovative software tools prototypes prototypes oriented to inclusion;
  • research activity on models for the evaluation of ICT products accessibility and use of such models for the evaluation of educational software;
  • dissemination activity to promote the concept that existing technology can support learning and inclusion both through in-service teacher training promoted in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and through the dissemination of information through the Internet and specific web sites.

   The issue of the relation between the educational system and marginal students (the disabled, immigrants, subjects with learning difficulties etc..) is faced from an inclusive point of view, i.e. creating learning communities that keep into account everybody's rights and are able to operate on the grounds of characteristics and needs of each individual instead of accepting these people in a structured, unchangeable system. By the term "e-inclusion" we mean the process supported by ICT. ITD has carried out research work in this field for many years in order to set up technological tools to favour inclusion of all students in the school system and also to create models for the use of these tools in order to attain the required and sometimes unexpected goals. To this purpose ITD carries out the following actions:

  • development of new competencies of teachers and putting existing skills to good use by working directly in Italian schools. ITD promotes and implements experimentations and research-action projects which involve students with difficulties;
  • production of innovative software tools prototypes prototypes oriented to inclusion;
  • research activity on models for the evaluation of ICT products accessibility and use of such models for the evaluation of educational software;
  • dissemination activity to promote the concept that existing technology can support learning and inclusion both through in-service teacher training promoted in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and through the dissemination of information through the Internet and specific web sites.


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