Francesca Maria Dagnino has been working as research fellow at Italian National Research Council since 2010; initiallly at the Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea in the two year period 2010-2012 and afterwards at the Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche.
She is a Psychologist and a Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist.
Her main research interests are Game Based Learning, Pedagogical Planning, and ICT-Based Solutions for Cultural Heritage Education.
She participated in several National and International projects:
- Progetto Migrazioni - National Project
- Progesis (Progetto Sicurezza e Svantaggio) - National Project
- MAGICAL Project (MAking Games In CollaborAtion for Learning) - EACEA LLP KA3 (ICT) Multilateral Projects
- eSG Project (Stimulating Entreprepreneurship through Serious Games) - EACEA LLP-ERASMUS-FEXI
- GALA (Games and Learning Alliance), Network of Excellence for Serious Games - Cooperation - ICT, Technology Enhanced Learning, FP7 (7th Framework Program)
- i-Treasures Project (Capturing the Intangible through ICT) - Integrated Project under the ICT theme (Information and Communication Technologies), FP7 (7th Framework Program)