With teaching professions facing rapidly changing demands, today’s educators require an increasingly broad set of competences. In particular, the ubiquity of digital communication and the endeavour to help students become digitally competent requires educators to develop their own digital competence. To this end, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has developed the DigCompEdu framework, a conceptual tool that systematically maps out educators’ digital competencies. The framework embraces 22 different educator-specific digital competences falling within six different spheres. The emphasis is not on technical skills. Rather, the framework focuses on the various ways educators leverage digital technologies to enhance and innovate teaching practices, learning processes and educational outcomes.
The DigCompEduSAT project draws on this framework as a basis for developing a self-assessment tool for educators in primary, secondary, initial VET and Higher Education. This is to be an online questionnaire which, when completed, generates an instant diagnostic report identifying the respondent’s digital competence profile. As well as detailing the educator’s current strengths, it highlights areas in which personal progress can be made and outlines possible steps forward in competence development. Beyond serving individual respondents, the tool is also intended to be of use to other education stakeholders, including teacher educators and trainers.
Main activities
The prototype tool will be grounded on the DigCompEdu framework, which for this purpose is to be translated into several European languages. Localised versions of the self-assessment tool will subsequently be tested in five Member States, including Italy, Spain, Portugal, Estonia and Finland. This process will involve a total of around 900 teachers at different levels in these five countries alone. Further validation will emerge from case studies (interviews and focus groups), which will generate qualitative data and recommendations for fine tuning the final release version of the tool.
CNR-ITD is responsible for (a) in-house translation/localisation of the DigCompEdu framework for Italy, (b) producing the Italian version of the DigCompEduSAT self-assessment tool, (c) conducting testing and validation activities in Italy. CNR-ITD is also coordinating the piloting in Spain and Portugal in conjunction with EIM Tecnologia and the University of Aveiro.