Founded by Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Sicilia - Ambito Territoriale di Palermo...
Facilitare la comprensione dei vissuti emotivi e la capacit di gestire alcune tecniche per combattere ansia e stress, per ottenere lucidit mentale e controllo delle emozioni nelle sfide legate allapprendimento e allinsegnamento. Integrare tali tecniche nel curricolo per il potenziamento dei livelli di consapevolezza emotiva anche con lausilio delle Tecnologie Informatiche per la Comunicazione.
The laboratory has been developed using a cascade training in order to allow teachers involved to transfer to their students the skills acquired during the course. The training was developed as action research to produce guidelines for best practices. It was articulated in 10 sessions of four hours each in which were involved 50 teachers from schools of Palermo. The experimental phase involved 9 classes of the secondary school (6 experimental classes and three classes of control), with the aim to introduce in the classroom the same activities and methodologies learned during the training phase and to verify their effectiveness in an experimental design.
Expected results
Facilitate understanding of emotional experiences and the ability to handle some techniques to combat anxiety and stress, to achieve mental lucidity and emotional control in the challenges related to learning and teaching. Integrate these techniques into the curriculum for the enhancement of the levels of emotional awareness, also with the help of Information and Communication Technologies