EFELCREN is a European Comenius 2.1 project involving researchers, trainers and teachers. It aims to create and evaluate educational materials based on the use of ICT, and to detect good teaching strategies involving their use. It also aims to provide teachers of different topics and from different countries educational material of excellent quality, together with suggestions for their use or development in class.
The project includes different activities:
- collection of information on software environments (especially open source, free or offered for free to schools) apt to help teachers to develop creative and flexible materials with their students or for their students;
- gathering and training, in all involved countries, of a group of teachers willing to contribute to the production of educational material and to form the initial core of a group of teachers sharing educational materials and experience in their creation and use;
- evaluation of the educational materials collected and detection of good teaching practices; a variety of material types is to be covered, including interactive activities (games, quizzes, tests, simulations, etc.), conceptual maps, multimedia presentations, webquests and treasure hunts, creative use of media (graphical projects, animations, videos, etc.);
- cataloguing of the collected materials and translation into the different project languages; organization in a database;
- organization of an enlarged community of practice with all European teachers interested in exploiting the competence developed in the project and expansion through the sharing of further pedagogical experience and materials.
Other project participants:
- USC - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Beatriz Cebreiro Lòpez, project coordinator; Carmen Fernandez Morante, national coordinator);
- CESGA - Centro de Supercomputaciòn de Galicia, Galizia, Spain; (Maria Jose Rodrìguez Malmierca);
- CVU - Sjaelland, Haslev Seminarium, Denmark (Annette S. Gregersen);
- ITC - Centre of Information Technology of Education, Lithuania (Natalija Ignatova);
- SER - Euneos Corporation, Finland (Ilpo Halonen);
- TCD - Trinity College, Dublin University, Ireland (Inmaculada Arnedillo).