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Looking beyond the horizon, from the school to the educational landscape
Begins: 2024-03-01
Ends: 2028-03-01
ITD reference office: Genoa

Educational poverty, exacerbated by conditions of disability, represents a significant challenge that calls for actions to promote equitable access to educational resources and opportunities that, in turn, are aimed at supporting the self- and social development of children and adolescents at risk of exclusion.

The GOOD project, therefore, aims to promote the full inclusion of children in educational poverty and with disabilities within an “inclusive educational landscape,” through the design and implementation of activities that remove or reduce obstacles to accessing the educational opportunities in the Cagliari area.

The project was created within a local educational agreement that involves a network of associations, school institutes in the Pirri metropolitan area, two research institutions (University of Cagliari and ITD/CNR of Genoa) and the Municipality of Cagliari. GOOD is funded by the social enterprise “Con I bambini”, which supports interventions aimed at removing economic, social and cultural barriers that prevent children from fully participating in educational processes.

Main Goals

  • Creation of an “educational landscape” that includes school and community educational services that can enrich educational opportunities with activities based on arts, sports and social interactions;
  • Development of an integrated educational model that includes multiple contexts, both formal and informal, to support the full social inclusion of children with dual educational disadvantage (defined by disability status combined with socioeconomic disadvantage);
  • Strengthening of territorial networks through actions to support the implementation of collaborative actions by schools, local authorities and associations;
  • Support for parenting and family involvement through a process of participatory parental planning in educational activities.

Expected Outcomes

  • Consolidation of an “open school” model that is sustainable through co-management among schools, parents, nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions, businesses and local governments;
  • Early intervention in situations of vulnerability and consolidation of specific operational frameworks among schools, social and health services and nonprofit organizations to prevent school dropout;
  • Enhancement of the well-being and active participation of students and families in the school and community;
  • Increased motivation and skills of schools and associations in finding economic resources to improve their educational delivery.
Project manager:
  • Cooperativa Sociale C.E.M.E.A (coordinator)
  • I.C. Pirri 1- Pirri 2
  • Agape- Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
  • Università degli Studi di Cagliari
  • Comune di Cagliari
  • Network of associations in the Cagliari area (ADS Polisportiva Popolare Exmè Onlus, Associazione Culturale Mariolè, Associazione Culturale Codice Segreto Onlus, Associazione Punti di Vista, Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Arcieri Quattro Mori, Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Beta, Domus De Luna, Cada Die Teatro società cooperativa sociale, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea)
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