The experimental project "Informatica per la terza età" (I3E - Information Technology for Senior Citizens) was developed within the framework of regional interventions aimed at the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly (in the last few years elderly population in Liguria has considerably increased and at present is still on the increase) and at the development of a training system which integrates university training system and work world.
In particular, for the elderly, the acquisition of competences aimed at a proper usage of new technologies represents not only a chance for personal growth, but even the opportunity to use a wide range of practical applications of relevant social meaning such as the facilitated access to information, the reduction of the risk of "isolation", etc.
I3E's primary aims were the following:
- study and definition of the guidelines in order to draw up training programmes to get senior population used to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT);
- design, creation and testing of a communication architecture aimed at supporting organization and coordination of the operators involved in the project, trainers and tutors operating in the 42 concurrent editions of courses.
Here following the results of the I3E project:
- design and production of guidelines supporting drawing up of the training programmes to get senior population used to ICT;
- design of a communication architecture of operators' network (ccordinators, teachers, tutors);
- implementation on a computer conference environment of a functional communication structure;
- definition of a specific approach to the monitoring and quality control of the courses.