In any computer-based learning project it is necessary to track students and analyse their activity in order to adapt the didactic method dynamically during a session and/or to modify contents, resources and scenario after the session to prepare for the next one. There is a large amount of scattered research expertise about collecting and analysing data on learning sessions.
This project DPULS (Design Patterns for Recording and Analysing Usage of Learning Systems), which was developed within the Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence, dealt specially with analysis of e-learning system usage in real training or academic contexts; the aim was to help teachers design alternatives in response to difficulties observed in the learning scenario.
Main results of the project are:
- a set of Design Patterns for analysing usage in e-learning systems, able to provide instructional designers, teachers and tutors with tested and reusable patterns which support them in analysing recurrent problems and tracking students' activity;
- a "Visual Patterns Browser" that makes the Patterns a publically accessible and "open" reference point which can be explored, used, refined and complemented by all experts in the field.