Over the years, ITD has carried out extensive research in the Learning Design (LD) field, generating both methodological outputs and LD tools. The purpose of this project is to capitalise and build on these results.
It is widely acknowledged that research outputs in LD have failed to make a significant impact on teaching praxis. Accordingly, this project is investigating innovative ways to encourage teachers to adopt LD methods and tools, thereby helping to bolster wide-scale take up both in schools and higher education. One such strategy is gamification.
The chief objective of this project is to develop gamified strategies that can be profitably applied to the learning design process. One of these, known as 4Ts, is intended to support the conceptualisation (or macro-design) phase of LD activities specifically devoted to the design of collaborative learning activities. Another, the so-called “vegetable patch approach”, facilitates meta-reflection and the professional development of teachers engaging in LD.
Major activities
- Completion of a paper-based version of the 4Ts LD game
- Drafting of requirements and specifications for a digital version of the 4Ts game
- Development of the “vegetable patch” game
- Piloting and evaluation of the adopted approaches and related tools.