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New approaches to strengthened cooperation facilities for VET institutions and labour market
Begins: 2014-01-01
Ends: 2016-12-31
ITD reference office: Genoa

Logo NecVET
New approaches to strengthened cooperation facilities for VET institutions and labour market 




"Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a strategic matter and EC gives significant importance to vocational education and its curriculum. NecVET project has been developed for setting up a network between vocational education institutions and enterprises to bring together all local actors in each participant countries. Expectations of labour market and possibilities of vocational education institutions will be compared and prepared national situation reports. By this way, objectives we planned are to strengthen connections between VET institutions and enterprises, to provide effective practice training possibilities for VET students and to educate these student to be more qualified and competitive. Several project activities will be carried out to reach these objectives."


The main activities of the NECVET project can be summarized as follow:

  • Undertaking research studies called Existing Situation Analysis (ESA) that will be obtained by means of research at local level in participant countries.
  • Applying expectation questionnaire in at least 10 different industrial sectors such as metal, electricity, electronic, wood, plastic, ceramic, ICT, health, machine, chemistry etc and its analysis. These sectors can be changed according to the facilities of partner institutions.
  • Preparing informatory kits for vocational key competences and needs obtained through research studies.
  • Identifying and comparing already existing vocational departments in vocational institutions in participant country at local level. By this way vocational approaches and differences will be able to seen among participant countries.
  • Planning local informatory meetings such as seminar, conference or panel with participation of vocational education institutions and local actors will be organized. 
  • Designing dissemination materials such as logo, poster, brochure and web pages.

Expected results

The following results are expected at the end of the project:

  • Research report on Existing Situation Analysis (ESA): Latest situations of vocational education policy and employment policy of labour market investigated by means of research studies at local level.
  • Analysis of the Expectation Questionnaire for Labour Market. This result will provide significant data for vocational education institutions and its curriculum.
  • A Web platform that facilitates sharing and introducing of all project results.
  • Vocational Informatory Kits (VIK): Vocational Informatory Kits (VIK) for vocational key competence and needs obtained through research studies.
  • Research paper: the results of the project will be presented in international scientific conferences, symposium and journal. By this way, projects effects and expectations will be shared on maximum level with related stakeholders. 
Project manager:
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