One of the most critical issues with independent life for people with intellectual disabilities (with particular attention to the Down syndrome), is the need to have an educator, constantly present for the management of the didactic apartment that are organised by the associations who have these people in charge.
The present project, starting from the results of the Smart Angel project (PAR FAS 2007-2013 Liguria Region), aims at widening and completing the support offered by the cloud mobile platform previously implemented, for people with intellectual disabilities who are experiencing an independent living.
The Smart Angel platform supports mobility in town. In the Smart Home project, it will be enriched with a specific new module of ambient assisted living, specially designed for those who live in the didactic apartments managed by the association partner in the project (CEPIM). The platform will be partly based on a cloud system, along with a workstation in the apartments and an app on the users’ smart phones.
The overarching objective of Smart Homes is to design, develop and test an innovative digital system to support independent living for a group of people with intellectual disabilities. Users will access the partly cloud-based system via a workstation in their apartment and from an app on their smartphone. It will help them to organise daily activities such as doing the shopping, managing appointments, preparing meals, looking after personal hygiene, using home appliances, cleaning the flat, etc.
For monitoring purposes, assistants will have real-time access to all the daily living data their clients generate in these activities. In addition, they will be able to perform user profiling through analysis of the historical data the system gathers.
Major Activities
ITD is involved in:
- Defining system requirements for both clients and their assistants, with particular regard for the development of independent living skills on the part of intellectually disabled users;
- Designing overall system architecture and ensuring that accessibility issues are suitably accounted for;
- Testing the system prototype and evaluating its benefits in specific cases.