"With the emerging new technologies, the teaching profession is evolving from an emphasis on teacher-centred, lecture-based instruction to studentcentred, interactive learning environments. Designing and implementing successful ICT-enabled teacher education programmes is the key to fundamental, wide-ranging educational reforms. Teacher education institutions and programmes must provide the leadership for pre- and in-service teachers and model the new pedagogies and tools for learning" [Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Education. A planning guide, UNESCO].
A framework for teachers' professional development is needed, describing the competence domains in ICT for education and the professional profile of the new teacher. Such a framework can form a benchmark for harmonising policies and practices regarding teachers' professional development across Europe. The experience of the ULEARN project showed that, for such a framework to be accepted, it requires to be collaboratively developed by stakeholders. Participation and cooperation in developing the framework will ensure that it will be widely adopted.
The project aims at producing:
- a comparative analysis on the teacher's professional profiles pertaining to ICT for education, assumed as a basis for benchmarking pre-service and in-service training and accreditation across Europe;
- a shared framework for teachers' professional development as a tool for harmonising national policies in the field. A feasability study will also define the conditions for ensuring the continuance of the framework into the future.
The project will involve a comparative analysis (based on peer research) of teacher education programmes in Europe regarding the use of ICT in all aspects of the teacher's role. The aim is to establish a collaborative process leading to a shared curricular framework for ICT in education that can be adopted throughout Europe. This framework will be produced through the involvement of key persons in teacher education across Europe. This participatory approach enhances the acceptability of the framework at the European level and the creation of an active community of expertise. The project will define the conditions for maintaining the European curricular framework, for collaboratively developing learning materials and for ensuring high quality.