Current projects & activities
- Computational Thinking II (JRC Study)
- SELFIE for Teachers
- SHERPA - SELFIE HElpeR & Pedagogical innovation Assistant
- member of review board of TD - Tecnologie Didattiche , a four-monthly journal published by ITD-CNR
Past projects
- Presente Digitale - teacher training courses on the digital world
- DigCompEduSAT - a self-assessment tool that helps educators verify and develop their digital competency profile
- DigCompOrg - European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organisations
- Gaming Horizons - Alternative Framings for Gaming - H2020
- MAGICAL MAking Games In CollaborAtion for Learning) - Lifelong Learning Programme, Key Activity 3 (Multilateral projects) (7PQ)
- GaLA (Games and Learning Alliance) - European Network of Excellence on Serious Games (FP7)
- GEL a Theme Team on Games Enhanced Learning in STELLAR , the European Network of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning (FP7)
- Share.TEC - Accessing digital resources for Teacher Education across Europe (eContentplus)
- ReMath - Computer-based systems for supporting mathematics teaching and learning (IST - Information Society Technologies)
- Accessibility of Educational Software (project within the Italian Ministry of Education program on Accessibility of New Technologies)
- Essediquadro - Educational Software Information and Support Service (Italian Ministry of Education project)
- TD-SSIS - Pre-service teacher training in educational technology
- Narrative and Learning Environments (SIG NLE), Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning (FP6)
- uTeacher - Towards a professional profile for the educational technology teacher (E-learming Program)
- WAVES - a Vortal about Education on Sea - Genoa Acquarium - Socrates Program
- T3 Telematics for Teacher Training - ICT for pre-service teacher education