The main aim of the project is to design, develop and test new computer-based technologies for visually disabled people, with particular focus on the creation of online learning environments with specific features dedicated to visually disabled students.
Since 1999 ITD’s Palermo Department has been carrying out research into the application of Information and Communication Technologies for visually disabled people. This particular project is based on the conviction that IT can play an important role in the integration and social rehabilitation of people with sensory dysfunction, in particular by improving their personal autonomy. Within this framework we have developed a vocal meta-search engine called VocalSe@rch, which allows the visually impaired to find and access Internet resources.
Moreover, a new Learning Management System specially designed for blind people has been developed and is currently being tested. This new system will provide specially designed tools that permit blind people to engage in synchronous and asynchronous communication, as well as features for accessing online leaning material.