The European Reference Framework of Digitally Competent Educational Organisation (DigCompOrg) is an initiative of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC). Research, design and piloting of the framework is carried out by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre Directorate B: Innovation & Growth, Human Capital and Employment Unit (JRC Seville).
DigCompOrg aims to support the integration and effective use of digital technologies in educational settings. So far, DigCompOrg is a generic framework for all educational organisations, from primary school up to higher education. In order to move from a theoretical framework for all sectors to an evidence-based framework relevant to schools, JRC Seville has recently launched DigCompOrg pilot initiatives in schools in four Member States: Denmark, Estonia, Italy and Spain. The DigCompOrg School Pilot in Italy aims to adapt DigCompOrg to the Italian education context in a meaningful way. The ultimate goal is to contribute towards the development of a consolidated DigCompOrg standardised question set. This will form the basis for an online self-assessment tools for schools called SELFIE. This will support schools’ development of their digital capacity, helping them to self-reflect as organizations, track their progress in integrating technologies for learning over time, compare themselves with other schools, identify strong points and areas for improvement and, finally, raise their digital maturity level.
Major Activities
Adaptation of the generic DigCompOrg conceptual framework to the Italian education context will involve a three-stage approach focusing on general language (step 1); key concepts and terminology (step 2); and on clarity, coherence, contextual relevance, and ease of use (step 3). The translation and localisation process will involve high-profile Italian experts, as well as a sample group of school practitioners (school leaders, teachers and students). Through a User Consultation Survey (DigCompOrg UCS), users’ inputs on the DigCompOrg framework descriptors will be collected to ensure they make sense for school leaders, teachers and students at primary, secondary and VET schools in Italy. Piloting in Italy will also contribute towards adaptation of the DigCompOrg SELFIE self-assessment tools for schools.
Piloting in Italy will involve 21 Italian schools (equally representing primary level, lower and upper secondary level, and initial vocational education), engaging about 1,470 students, 420 teachers and 17 school leaders. Schools involved in the pilot will be selected from three regions: Emilia Romagna (North), Tuscany (Centre) and Puglia (South).
Expected results
- a translated and adapted version of DigCompOrg framework (UCS) and self-assessment tool (SELFIE) reflecting and catering for the Italian education context;
- UCS and SELFIE DigCompOrg pilots in 21 Italian schools in compulsory education;
- exploratory findings from four case studies in selected Italian schools;
- a final report summarising the main findings from the SELFIE DigCompOrg pilots in Italy.