Agreement with the CNR DIITET (Dipartimento Ingegneria, ICT e Tecnologie per l'Energia e i Trasporti del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
The projects aims to realize an operating system for the monitoring of the CNR energy consumption and its energetic cadaster.ÂÂ ÂÂ The access will be reserved to the CNR employees authorized by the energy managers. Another aim is the realization of an app iOSA for iPhone and iPad that will permit a good visualization of the information.
- Analyzing, Planning and Develop the Platform;
- Analyzing, Planning and Develop the App for iOS, iPhone and iPad;
Expected results
The platform will be used by almost 100 CNR employees all over the national territory who will put the information about energy consumption, buildings and plants of CNR according to the specific requests of the Energy Manager Admin. This activity is important for the energetic diagnosis and for a technical and economic evaluation in order to make improvements on the energetic efficiency.ÂÂ