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LLP Erasmus - Stimulating entrepreneurship through Serious Games
Begins: 2011-01-01
Ends: 2013-12-31
ITD reference office: Genoa

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LLP Erasmus - Stimulating entrepreneurship through Serious Games 


The eSG project aims at stimulating innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets of higher education students of non-business faculties.

The plans will cover the 3 major axes devised for entrepreneurship education:
•Raising awareness and motivation
•Training to set-up a business and manage its growth (including commercialization aspects)
•Developing the entrepreneurial abilities needed to identify and exploit business opportunities


The main goal of eSG is to develop, deploy and assess experimental pedagogical plans based on appealing and instructive SGs for stimulating entrepreneurship in university students (courses are implemented for all the 3 levels: Bachelor, Master, PhD.


The WP will be performed in two sessions: a first time has been performed in October-December 2011, in the first year of eSG, and a second time, one year later, in 2012.

Expected results

 A better assessment of the exploitation/business potential by the partners.

Transferability of eSG results (e.g., to other education domains, other types of education institutions, exploiting other education platforms)

Project manager:
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