This Thematic Network will facilitate and co-ordinate the implementation of a European Web Portal able to provide information on ICT-based Assistive products which are available in Europe, and on related organisations and services. The Portal will also allow access to repositories of freeware, open source software products and tools for developers of accessibility and assistive solutions, or for mainstream developers who wish to make their products accessible; and will serve as a platform to share expertise, ideas, views, resources and field experience.
Promote the development of an information society for all, synthesized in the concept of e-Inclusion (Digital-Inclusion) in the policy document "European Digital Agenda 2010", a concept which combines the idea of accessible information technology, and at the 'use of the same to improve economic performance, employment opportunities, quality of life, social inclusion and cohesion.
Create a unified access to all available resources on computer technology for Disabilities.