ERASMUS+ - KA2 Strategic Partnership for school education - 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036540
The BEHAVE project aims exactly to reinforce and enlarge networks and to promote a transnational culture about some of the most effective strategies to approach SEBDs in classroom. To pursue this aim the project provides a set of tools to empower teacher’s professional profile also enhancing the sharing of evidence and knowledge. The BEHAVE target are teachers of primary schools who are daily involved in the fight to guarantee SEBD students a better quality of life. The estimated number of both direct and indirect participants is about 650 among teachers in training (about 500) and stakeholders..
- .The development of a HUB capable of supporting a community of trained and experienced teachers for SEB students
- Developing courses for teachers on the most popular behavioral issues.
- The implementation of surveys in every nation involved.
- The adoption of the WHAAM project framework for children with ADHD
Expected results
Impact directly and indirectly in children with social behavioral problems, increasing the skills of teachers in managing these children through intelligent TLC application.