News! (July 2011)
The Share.TEC project has concluded its three-year UE-funded period, and now continues to offer services and resources for teacher training, on autonomous bases.
Download here the fina report in brochure form.
Share.TEC - SHAring digital REsources in the Teaching Education Community
Teacher Education (TE) is a strategic field for Europe’s knowledge society and is undergoing rapid evolution. Share.TEC supports this process by creating a digital environment that fosters access, retrieval and reuse of resources for TE across Europe. The underlying vision is that digital resources are vehicles of educational innovation which can help build bridges among the different cultures of the member states. The Share.TEC system will be an extendible federated aggregation of resources, providing access both to the partners’ own content (about 70,000) and to other TE repositories. This is made possible by a metadata migration process featuring semantic, linguistic and cultural interoperability.
The intended users of the system will be teacher educators, teachers engaged in self-guided learning, and developers and publishers of digital resources for TE. Share.TEC will be adaptive to the specific needs of these users and take into account their professional profiles through an ontology-based approach designed to capture individual differences. Share.TEC will cover both professionally-developed, commercially-distributed content and open resources created by users, proposing an innovative model for managing their coexistence in a sustainable fashion. Effective brokerage will be offered between federated TE resources and user demand, which is strongly influenced by a variety of personal, curricular, cultural and national factors. To improve the matching mechanism, Share.TEC will integrate a folksonomy based approach and personalisation functions such as user history. Since educational resources are typically rooted in local cultures, the project will have a strong focus on cross-cultural aspects so that users can benefit from contents developed in external contexts.
User involvement will be an essential feature of Share.TEC and accordingly the project will establish a network of user communities that will continue beyond project completion, thus strengthening sustainability. Started on June 2008, the project lasts 36 months. The overall consortium features a rich and balanced group of 8 institutions belonging to 6 EU Member States: CNR, Institute for Educational Technologies (IT) (Project Coordinator); Trinity College Dublin (IE); University of Venice, Centre of Excellence (IT); Stockholm University (SE); CLUEB Publisher (IT); Open Universiteit Nederland, Educational Technology Expertise Centre (NL); Universidad de Valladolid, GSIC/EMIC Group (ES); University of Sofia, Centre of Information Society Technologies (BG).