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Begins: 2011-01-01
Ends: 2012-12-31
ITD reference office: Genoa

Logo Edutainment




The Edutainment project addresses the following objectives:

  • Teachers training on the job and curricula renewal;
  • Design and deployment of training paths on cognitive and learning processes and  new technologies for Sicilian teachers;
  • Design and deployment of edutainment laboratories for students both inside and outside school;
  • Deployment of action research projects for improving transversal competencies such as metacognitive, emotional, problem solving;
  • Test new learning models based on new technologies and laboratorial activities;
  • Promotion of a scientific approach supporting learning processes;
  • Diffusion of the scientific knowledge on educational contexts.


Three research laboratories was carried out:

  1. Robotics, virtual worlds and reasoning (LINK alla scheda prodotto in inglese): the lab aimed to apply the robotics as tools to promote students logical mathematical skills;
  2. Logical mathematical and spatial skills and chess game (LINK alla scheda prodotto in inglese): the lab had the purpose to stimulate logical, mathematical and spatial skills in students both learning to play chess and specific training on the geometric problem-solving.

Meta-emotional intelligence and Mindfulness – monitoring through mobile devices (LINK alla scheda prodotto in inglese): the lab used Mindfulness techniques and a training of emotional intelligence aimed to design and test with students new ways to analyze and compare affective and emotional contents.

Expected results

The results of the laboratories carried out during the Edutainment project are the following:

  • development of cognitive, metacognitive and emotional skills of students;
  • diffusion of the scientific and technological knowledge through the use of artefacts, software and innovative technological tools;
  • testing of many methods and tools to improve cognitive, metacognitive and emotional students skills;
  • development and strengthening of the students intrinsic motivation;
  • promotion of collaborative skills and conflict management strategies;
  • promotion of IT knowledge, programming skills and narrative competences.
Project manager:
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