Di seguito viene proposto l'elenco degli Articoli in rivista pubblicati dall'Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche dall'anno 2012 in poi, ordinati cronologicamente. Per fruire della lista completa è possibile fare riferimento allo strumento ExploRA, messo a disposizione dal CNR a livello prototipale. Fonte dei dati: PEOPLE.

311 risultati in 1.664 secondi (fonte: PEOPLE)
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Azimirad M., Paloniitty R., Papathanasiou I. V., Aleo G., Catania G., Pozzi F., Bagnasco A. e Turunen H. (2023) “Examining family and community nurses' core competencies in continuing education programs offered in primary health care settings: An integrative literature review”, Nurse education in practice, ISSN 1471-5953, edito da Churchill Livingstone (Edinburgh, Regno Unito).
Mostra risorse web   2
Fante C., Città G., La Guardia D. e Manganello F. (2023) “Research trends in Educational Neuroscience: Textual Analysis and mapping of the latest scholarly publications”, Q-Times webmagazine, ISSN 2038-3282, edito da Bridging Bureau (Supino (FR), Italia).
Mostra risorse web   3
Manca S. e Guetta S. (2023) “Fare memoria e distorcere la storia”, Essere a scuola, ISSN 2611-3635, edito da Morcelliana (Brescia, Italia).
Mostra risorse web   4
Manganello F. e Frazzetto I. (2023) “Promoting social-emotional skills in pre-primary school. Results of a quasi-experimental study”, Q-Times webmagazine, ISSN 2038-3282, edito da Bridging Bureau (Supino (FR), Italia).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 5
Merlo G., Chifari A., Chiazzese G., Denaro P., Firrera N., Lo Savio N., Patti S., Palmegiano L., Taibi D. e Seta L. (2023) “The BEHAVE application as a tool to monitor inclusive interventions for subjects with neurodevelopmental disorders”, Frontiers in Psychology, edito da Frontiers media (Lausanne, Svizzera), vol. 13.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 6
Raffaghelli J. e Manca S. (2023) “Exploring the social activity of open research data on ResearchGate: implications for the data literacy of researchers”, Online information review (Print), ISSN 1468-4527, edito da MCB University Press (Bradford, Regno Unito), vol. 47, pagg. 197-217.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 7
Bagnasco A., Catania G., Zanini M., Pozzi F., Aleo G., Watson R., Hayter M., Sasso L., Rodrigues C., Alvino S., Musian D., Roba I., Turunen H., Popa A., Vicente M., Papathanasiou I. V., Fradelos E. C., Kastanidou S., Kleisiaris C., Evangelidou E. S., Daglas A. e Stavropoulos K. (2022) “Core competencies for family and community nurses: A European e-Delphi study”, Nurse education in practice, ISSN 1471-5953, edito da Churchill Livingstone (Edinburgh, Regno Unito), vol. 60.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 8
Benigno V., Caruso G. P., Dagnino F. M., Dalla Mutta E. e Fante C. (2022) “Enhancing Home Education in Italian Context: Teachers' Perception of a Hybrid Inclusive Classroom”, Education sciences (Basel), ISSN 2227-7102, edito da MDPI (Basel, Svizzera), vol. 12.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 9
Fulantelli G., Taibi D., Scifo L., Schwarze V. e Eimler S. C. (2022) “Cyberbullying and Cyberhate as Two Interlinked Instances of Cyber-Aggression in Adolescence: A Systematic Review”, Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN 1664-1078, edito da Frontiers Research Foundation (Switzerland), vol. 13.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 10
Gentile M. e Lieto A. (2022) “The role of mental rotation in Tetris (tm) gameplay: An ACT-R computational cognitive model”, Cognitive systems research, ISSN 1389-0417, edito da ScienceDirect (New York, Paesi Bassi), vol. 73, pagg. 1-11.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 11
Gentile M., Messineo L., La Guardia D., Arrigo M., Città G., Ayala A., Cusimano G., Martines P., Mendolia G. e Allegra M. (2022) “A Parent-Mediated Telehealth Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Promoting Parents' Ability to Stimulate the Children's Learning, Reduce Parenting Stress, and Boost Their Sense of Parenting Empowerment”, Journal of autism and developmental disorders, ISSN 0162-3257, edito da Plenum Press (New York, Stati Uniti d'America).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 12
Limongelli C., Lombardi M., Marani A. e Taibi D. (2022) “A Semantic Approach to Ranking Techniques: Improving Web Page Searches for Educational Purposes”, IEEE access, ISSN 2169-3536, edito da Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Piscataway, NJ, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 10, pagg. 68885-68896.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 13
Manca S. (2022) “Digital Holocaust Memory on social media: How Italian Holocaust museums and memorials use digital ecosystems for educational and remembrance practice”, International journal of heritage studies (Online), ISSN 1470-3610, edito da Routledge ([London], Regno Unito), vol. 28, pagg. 1152-1179.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 14
Manca S., Passarelli M. e Rehm M. (2022) “Exploring tensions in Holocaust museums' modes of commemoration and interaction on social media”, Technology in society (Print), ISSN 0160-791X, edito da Pergamon (New York [etc. ], Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 68, 13 pagine.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 15
Messineo L. e Tosto C. (2022) “Perceived stress and affective experience in Italian teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: correlation with coping and emotion regulation strategies”, European journal of psychology of education, ISSN 0256-2928, edito da I. S. P. A (Lisboa, Portogallo).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 16
Modafferi C., Passarelli M. e Chiorri C. (2022) “Untying a Gordian knot: Exploring the nomological network of resilience”, Journal of personality (Online), ISSN 1467-6494, edito da Blackwell (Oxford, Regno Unito).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 17
Musio M. E., Vassalini L., Centanaro R., Bariola M., Ghiozzi M., Santacroce M., Bacigalupo L., Razeto G., Soldano G., Bracco L., Aleo G., Zanini M., Catania G., Manganello F., Pozzi F., Sasso L. e Bagnasco A. (2022) “Advancing nursing in Italy through the development and evaluation of an innovative postgraduate programme in Family and Community Nursing-A pilot study”, Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene, ISSN 1121-2233, edito da Medical Systems Publisher (Genoa, Italia), vol. 63, pagg. E331-E343.
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Naghdipour B. e Manca S. (2022) “Teaching presence in students' WhatsApp groups: Affordances for language learning”, E-learning and digital media, ISSN 2042-7530, edito da Symposium Journals (Oxford, Regno Unito).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 19
Passarelli M., Casetta L., Rizzi L., Perrella R., Maniaci G. e La Barbera D. (2022) “Changes in Touch Avoidance, Stress, and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy”, Frontiers in Psychology, edito da Frontiers media (Lausanne, Svizzera), vol. 13.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 20
Passarelli M., Dagnino F. M., Persico D., Pozzi F. e Manganello F. (2022) “Gamification and support to self-regulation as a means to promote practice sharing for teacher professional development (Ludificación y fomento de la autorregulación para incentivar el intercambio de prácticas docentes en el desarrollo profesional del profesorado)”, C & E, cultura y educación (Print), ISSN 1135-6405, edito da Aprendizaje; [poi] Routledge Taylor & Francis (Madrid; [poi] Abingdon, Regno Unito), vol. 34, pagg. 800-835.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 21
Passarelli M., Masini M., Chiorri C., Nurcis A., Daini R. e Bracco F. (2022) “Implicit evidence on the dissociation of identity and emotion recognition”, Cognitive processing (Print), ISSN 1612-4782, edito da Springer (Berlin, Germania), vol. 23, pagg. 79-90.
Mostra risorse web   22
Sacchi F., Giraldo M., Panesi S., Bianquin N. e Ferlino L. (2022) “La formazione inclusiva dei docenti a 30 anni dalla Legge n 104/1992. Studio esplorativo di un percorso formativo per la scuola sec. di II grado”, Nuova secondaria, ISSN 1828-4582, edito da La Scuola (Brescia, Italia), vol. 4 (2022), XL, pagg. 295-317.
Mostra risorse web   23
Setti W., Tarello R., Volta E., Ferlino L., Gori M. e Volpe G. (2022) “DUDA: a digital didactic learning unit based on educational escape rooms and multisensory learning activities for primary school children during Covid-19 lockdown”, Educational technology research and development (Online), ISSN 1556-6501, edito da Association for Educational Communications and Technology (Washington, D. C, Stati Uniti d'America).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 24
Tacchella A., Oreggia M., Passarelli M., Pozzi F. e Chiorri C. (2022) “"Should I become a computer engineer?" Using an immersive experience with upper secondary students to support faculty choice”, Italian journal of educational technology (Print), ISSN 2532-4632, edito da Menabò (Ortona, Italia), vol. 30, pagg. 97-110.
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Tosto C., Matin F., Seta L., Chiazzese G., Chifari A., Arrigo M., Taibi D., Farella M. e Mangina E. (2022) “The Potential of AR Solutions for Behavioral Learning: A Scoping Review”, Computers (Basel), ISSN 2073-431X, edito da Molecular Diversity Preservation International (Basel), vol. 11.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 26
Augello A., Città G., Gentile M. e Lieto A. (2021) “A Storytelling Robot Managing Persuasive and Ethical Stances via ACT-R: An Exploratory Study”, International journal of social robotics (Print), ISSN 1875-4791, edito da Springer Netherlands (Dprdrecht, Paesi Bassi).
Mostra risorse web   27
Benigno V. e Fante C. (2021) “SOSTENERE LA DIMENSIONE RELAZIONALE NELLA DIDATTICA A DISTANZA: L'ESPERIENZA DI UNA CLASSE IBRIDA”, Rivista Lasalliana, ISSN 1826-2155, edito da Associazione culturale lasalliana (Roma, Italia), pagg. 1-10.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 28
Benigno V., Fante C., Caruso G. e Ravicchio F. (2021) “Approcci, azioni e tecnologie a supporto della classe ibrida inclusiva”, Italian journal of educational technology (Online), ISSN 2532-7720, edito da Menabò (Ortona, Italia), vol. vol. 29 n. 1, pagg. 5-25.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 29
Brasher A., Whitelock D., Holmes W., Pozzi F., Persico D., Manganello F., Passarelli M. e Sangrà A. (2021) “Comparing the comparators: how should the quality of education offered by online universities be evaluated?”, European journal of education (Online), ISSN 1465-3435, edito da Carfax (Abingdon, Regno Unito), vol. 57, pagg. 306-324.
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Casalino G., Cafarelli B., Del Gobbo E., Fontanella L., Grilli L., Guarino A., Limone P., Schicchi D. e Taibi D. (2021) “Framing automatic grading techniques for open-ended questionnaires responses. A short survey”, CEUR workshop proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, edito da M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania), vol. 3025.
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Chifari A., Allegra M., Benigno V., Caruso G., Fulantelli G., Gentile M. e Ferlino L. (2021) “Distance learning during the first lockdown: impact on the family and its effect on students' engagement”, Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN 1664-1078, edito da Frontiers Research Foundation (Switzerland).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 32
Collazos C. A., Pozzi F. e Romagnoli M. (2021) “The Use of e-Learning Platforms in a Lockdown Scenario-A Study in Latin American Countries”, IEEE-RITA, ISSN 1932-8540, edito da IEEE Education Society (Piscataway NJ, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 16, pagg. 419-423.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 33
Gentile M., Benigno V., Caruso G., Chifari A., Ferlino L., Fulantelli G. e Allegra M. (2021) “Italian parents' perception about learning practices and educational effectiveness of remote schooling during the first lockdown”, Qwerty (Online), ISSN 2240-2950, edito da Progedit (Bari, Italia), vol. 16, pagg. 87-108.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 34
Manca S. (2021) “Bridging cultural studies and learning science: An investigation of social media use for Holocaust memory and education in the digital age”, Review of education, pedagogy, cultural studies (Online), ISSN 1556-3022, edito da Taylor & Francis ([London], Regno Unito), vol. 43, pagg. 226-253.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 35
Manca S. (2021) “Digital Memory in the Post-Witness Era: How Holocaust Museums Use Social Media as New Memory Ecologies”, Information (Basel), ISSN 2078-2489, edito da MDPI (Basel, Svizzera), vol. 12, pagg. 1-17.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 36
Manca S., Bocconi S. e Gleason B. (2021) “"Think globally, act locally": A glocal approach to the development of social media literacy”, Computers and education, ISSN 0360-1315, edito da Pergamon Press (New York, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 160, pagg. 1-17.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 37
Manca S. e Delfino M. (2021) “Adapting educational practices in Emergency Remote Education. Continuity and change from a student perspective”, British journal of educational technology (Online), ISSN 1467-8535, edito da Blackwell Publishers (Oxford, Regno Unito), vol. 4, pagg. 1394-1413.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 38
Manganello F., Fradelos E. C., Mantzaris D. H., Tsaras K., Pozzi F. e Papathanasiou I. V. (2021) “Technology-enhanced learning in nurse professional training: the case of the ENhANCE Greek pilot course”, Italian journal of educational technology (Print), ISSN 2532-4632, edito da Menabò (Ortona, Italia), vol. 29.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 39
Manganello F., Pozzi F., Passarelli M., Persico D. e Dagnino F. M. (2021) “A dashboard to monitor self-regulated learning behaviours in online professional development”, International journal of distance education technologies, ISSN 1539-3100, edito da Idea Group Pub (Hershey, PA, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 19, pagg. 18-34.
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Margherita G., Gargiulo A., Lemmo D., Fante C., Filosa M., Manari T., Lenzo V., Quattropani M. C., Vegni E., Borghi L., Castelnuovo G., Cattivelli R., Saita E., Franceschini C. e Musetti A. (2021) “Are We Dreaming or Are We Awake? A Quali-Quantitative Analysis of Dream Narratives and Dreaming Process During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Dreaming (N. Y. N. Y.), ISSN 1053-0797, edito da American Psychological Association (Washington, D. C, Stati Uniti d'America).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 41
Messineo L., Seta L. e Allegra M. (2021) “The relationship between empathy and altruistic motivations in nursing studies: a multi-method study”, BMC nursing (Online), ISSN 1472-6955, edito da BioMed Central (London, Regno Unito), vol. 20.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 42
Messineo L., Tosto C. e Allegra M. (2021) “Exploring factors predicting undergraduate healthcare students' use of learning strategies”, European journal of educational research, ISSN 2165-8714, edito da Dr. Riza Ulker (Sicklerville NJ, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 10, pagg. 1579-1587.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 43
Panesi S., Fante C. e Ferlino L. (2021) “Online Learning in Kindergarten during COVID-19: teachers' experience and perception in Italy”, Qwerty (Online), ISSN 2240-2950, edito da Progedit (Bari, Italia), vol. 16, pagg. 69-86.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 44
Pozzi F., Bagnasco A., Papathanasiou I. V. e Turunen H. (2021) “Editorial. Technology Enhanced Learning for healthcare professionals”, Italian journal of educational technology (Print), ISSN 2532-4632, edito da Menabò (Ortona, Italia), vol. 29.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 45
Sanches Ferreira M., Alves S., Silveira Maia M., Santos M., Tosto C., Chifari A., McGee C., Savio N. L., Bilanin S. e Merlo G. (2021) “A Systematic Review of Behavioral Interventions for Elementary School Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties: Contributions from Single-Case Research Studies”, Journal of educational research (Online), ISSN 1940-0675, edito da Published for the University of Illinois, Bureau of Educational Research by the Public School Publ. Co (Bloomington Ill, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 10, pagg. 241-259.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 46
Baldry A., Kantz D., Loiacono A., Marenzi I., Taibi D. e Tursi F. (2020) “The MWSWeb Project: Accessing medical discourse in video hosting websites”, Lingue e linguaggi (Testo stamp.), ISSN 2239-0367, edito da Pensa multimedia (Lecce, Italia), vol. 40, pagg. 433-472.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 47
Benigno, V., Dagnino, F., Fante e C. (2020) “Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Italy's School-in-Hospital (SiHo) Services: The Teachers' Perspective”, Continuity in Education (CiE), ISSN 2631-9179, edito da Ubiquity Press, vol. 1, pagg. 136-149.
Mostra risorse web   48
Benigno, V., Fante e C. (2020) “Hospital School Teachers' Sense of Stress and Gratification: An Investigation of the Italian Context”, Continuity in Education (CiE), ISSN 2631-9179, edito da Ubiquity Press.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 49
Dagnino F. M., Dimitriadis Y., Pozzi F., Rubia Avi B. e Asensio Pérez J. (2020) “The role of supporting technologies in a mixed methods research design”, Comunicar (Huelva. Internet) Online, ISSN 1988-3293, edito da Grupo Comunicar (Huelva, Spagna), vol. 65, pagg. 53-63.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 50
Dodici S., Reyes M. C. e Trentin G. (2020) “I-MOOC, un MOOC interattivo personalizzabile nei tempi e nelle sequenze di fruizione dei contenuti: l'opinione dei partecipanti”, Italian journal of educational technology (Online), ISSN 2532-7720, edito da Menabò (Ortona, Italia), vol. 28.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 51
Franceschini C., Fante C., Filardi M., Folli M. C., Brazzi F., Pizza F., D'Anselmo A., Ingravallo F., Antelmi E. e Plazzi G. (2020) “Can a Peer Support the Process of Self-Management in Narcolepsy? A Qualitative Narrative Analysis of a Narcoleptic Patient”, Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN 1664-1078, edito da Frontiers Research Foundation (Switzerland), vol. 11, 8 pagine.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 52
Franceschini C., Fante C., Folli M. C., Filosa M., Pizza F., Antelmi E., Ingravallo F. e Plazzi G. (2020) “Giving a voice to cataplectic experience: Recollections from patients with narcolepsy type 1”, Journal of clinical sleep medicine, ISSN 1550-9389, edito da American Academy of Sleep Medicine (Westchester, Ill, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 16, pagg. 597-603.
Mostra risorse web   53
Giovannella C., Passarelli M. e Persico D. (2020) “La didattica durante la pandemia: un'istantanea scattata dagli insegnanti a due mesi dal lockdown”, Bricks (2011), ISSN 2239-6187, edito da AICA Associazione italiana per l'informatica ed il calcolo automatico; SIe-L Società italiana di e-Learning ([S. l. ], Italia), vol. 10, pagg. 24-41.
Mostra risorse web   54
Giovannella C., Passarelli M. e Persico D. (2020) “The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Italian Learning Ecosystems: the School Teachers' Perspective at the steady state”, ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s), ISSN 1826-9745, edito da F & D (Roma, Italia), vol. 45, pagg. 264-286.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 55
Gleason B. e Manca S. (2020) “Curriculum and instruction: pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning with Twitter in higher education”, On the horizon, ISSN 1074-8121, edito da Institute for Academic and Professional Leadership, School of Education, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 28, pagg. 1-8.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 56
Manca S. (2020) “Snapping, pinning, liking or texting: Investigating social media in higher education beyond Facebook”, The Internet and higher education, ISSN 1096-7516, edito da JAI Press (Greenwich, Conn, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 44, pagg. 1-13.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 57
Manca S. e Grion V. (2020) “Partizipative Maßnahmen in sozialen Netzwerken. Potenzial und Grenzen einer Student Voice-Erfahrung”, heiEDUCATION Journal (Online), ISSN 2626-983X, edito da Heidelberg University Publishing (Heidelberg, Germania), vol. 5, pagg. 139-157.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 58
Panesi S., Bocconi S. e Ferlino L. (2020) “Promoting Students' Well-Being and Inclusion in Schools Through Digital Technologies: Perceptions of Students, Teachers, and School Leaders in Italy Expressed Through SELFIE Piloting Activities”, Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN 1664-1078, edito da Frontiers Research Foundation (Switzerland), vol. 11.
Mostra risorse web   59
Panesi, S., Caruso, G. P., Ferlino, L., Dini e S. (2020) “BAMBINI IPOVEDENTI E APP: CONDIVIDERE INFORMAZIONI FORMALI E INFORMALI PER ORIENTARE LA SCELTA”, Ricerche di pedagogia e didattica, ISSN 1970-2221, edito da Università di Bologna. Dipartimento di scienze dell'educazione (Bologna, Italia), vol. V. 15 N. 2 (2020), pagg. 1-15.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 60
Parmigiani D., Benigno V., Giusto M., Silvaggio C. e Sperandio S. (2020) “E-inclusion: online special education in Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic”, Technology, pedagogy and education, ISSN 1475-939X, edito da Routledge (Abingdon, Regno Unito).
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 61
Passarelli M., Earp J., Dagnino F. M., Manganello F., Persico D., Pozzi F., Buijtenweg T., Haggis M., Bailey C. e Perrotta C. (2020) “The distant Horizon: Investigating the relationship between social sciences academic research and game development”, Entertainment computing (Print), ISSN 1875-9521, edito da Elsevier (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 34, 8 pagine.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 62
Persico D., Passarelli M., Manganello F., Gewerc B. A. e Rodriguez G. A. (2020) “The participatory dimension of teachers' self-regulated professional learning about learning design: beliefs versus behaviours”, Professional development in education, ISSN 1941-5257, edito da International Professional Development Association (Abingdon, U. K, Regno Unito).
Mostra risorse web   63
Persico, D., Manganello, F., Passarelli e M. (2020) “Participatory approaches to Learning Design: the gap between theory and practice”, ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s), ISSN 1826-9745, edito da F & D (Roma, Italia), vol. 44, pagg. 96-108.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 64
Persico, D., Passarelli, M., Manganello, F., Pozzi, F., Dagnino, F. M., Ceregini, A., Caruso e A. (2020) “Automatic feedback, self-regulated learning and social comparison: a case study”, Qwerty (Testo stamp.), ISSN 1828-7344, edito da Progedit (Bari, Italia), vol. 15, pagg. 27-44.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 65
Pozzi F., Asensio Perez J. I., Ceregini A., Dagnino F. M., Dimitriadis Y. e Earp J. (2020) “Supporting and representing Learning Design with digital tools: in between guidance and flexibility”, Technology, pedagogy and education (Online), ISSN 1747-5139, edito da Routledge (London, Regno Unito), pagg. 1-20.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 66
Raffaghelli J., Manca S., Stewart B., Prinsloo P. e Sangrà A. (2020) “Supporting the development of critical data literacies in higher education: building blocks for fair data cultures in society”, International journal of educational technology in higher education, ISSN 2365-9440, edito da Springer Internat. Publ (Cham, Svizzera), vol. 17, pagg. 1-22.
Mostra risorse web   67
Rehm M., Manca S. e Haake S. (2020) “Soziale Medien als digitale Räume in der Erinnerung an den Holocaust Eine Vorstudie zur Twitter-Nutzung von Holocaust-Museen und Gedenkstätten”, Merz, Medien Erziehung, edito da Kopaed (Munchen, Germania), vol. 6, pagg. 62-73.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 68
Sorgente R., La Guardia D., Ribotti A., Arrigo M., Signa A., Pessini F., Oliva G., Pes A., Perilli A. e Di Maio A. (2020) “An Operational Supporting System for Oil Spill Emergencies Addressed to the the Italian Coast Guard”, Journal of marine science and engineering, ISSN 2077-1312, edito da Molecular Diversity Preservation International (Basel), vol. 8, 14 pagine.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 69
Tosto C., Hasegawa T., Mangina E., Chifari A., Treacy R., Merlo G. e Chiazzese G. (2020) “Exploring the effect of an augmented reality literacy programme for reading and spelling difficulties for children diagnosed with ADHD”, Virtual reality (Walth. Cross), ISSN 1359-4338, edito da Springer-Verlag London (Godalming, Regno Unito), 16 pagine.
Mostra risorse web   70
Trentin G. (2020) “Apprendimento senza soluzione di continuità per una scuola più smart negli spazi ibridi: l'emergenza come opportunità”, Mondo Digitale, ISSN 1720-898X, edito da [s. n. ] (Milano, Italia), vol. 89, 19 pagine.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 71
Allegra M., Arrigo M., Ayala A., Cusimano G., Gentile M., La Guardia D., Martines P., Mendolia G. e Messineo L. (2019) “Abilitazione e Tele-abilitazione Home-based per i Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico: il progetto ATHENA”, Ricerche di psicologia (Testo stamp.), ISSN 0391-6081, edito da Franco Angeli (Milano, Italia), vol. 42, pagg. 505-518.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 72
Bottino R. (2019) “Schools and the digital challenge: Evolution and perspectives”, Education and information technologies (Dordr., Online), ISSN 1573-7608, edito da Kluwer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), vol. 25, pagg. 2241-2259.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 73
Bottino R. (2019) “LE TECNOLOGIE DIGITALI E LE METODOLOGIE DIDATTICHE INNOVATIVE”, Giornale italiano di psicologia, ISSN 0390-5349, edito da Il Mulino (Bologna, Italia), vol. 46, pagg. 787-793.
Mostra risorse web Mostra risorse DOI 74
Chiazzese G., Arrigo M., Chifari A., Lonati V. e Tosto C. (2019) “Educational Robotics in Primary School: Measuring the Development of Computational Thinking Skills with the Bebras Tasks”, Informatics (Basel), ISSN 2227-9709, edito da MDPI AG (Basel, Svizzera), vol. 6, 12 pagine.
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