
List of articles in category Projects
  Project manager Themes

Corso di specializzazione in network and System Administration

Corso di specializzazione in network and System Administration


Energyplus management system


Connect the teachers to reach and teach the Net Generation

Smart Health 2.0

Technological infrastructure of health services

Edutainment II

EXPERIENTIAL AND TRAINING LABORATORY: "Emotional intelligence, Mindfulness, and New Education Technologies"



An analysis of educational approaches to developing Computational Thinking

DigCompOrg (European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organisations)

Piloting the European framework for digitally-competent schools in EU education systems

Gaming Horizons

Gaming Horizons

Game-Based Learning

Digital games - Learning - 21st Century Skills

Pensiero Computazionale

Computational Thinking - Problem Solving - Coding

Learning Design

Learning Design - Innovazione Scolastica - Apprendimento Collaborativo

WOP - World of physics

An innovative virtual reality educational environment for school physics education

Nuovi ambienti per l'apprendimento

Apprendimento - Technology Enhanced Learning - Ambienti

Inclusione socio-educativa negli ambienti ibridi di apprendimento

Inclusione socio-educativa - Ambienti ibridi di apprendimento

CODUR - Creating an Online Dimension for University Rankings

CODUR - Creating an Online Dimension for University Rankings

ShareHab - Il Social che aiuta la riabilitazione dei bambini ipovedenti

Ipovisione - Social - App

Smart Home

Disabilita' - Autonomia - Tecnologia

Sviluppo professionale nei settori "Knowledge intensive" e comunicazione scientifica

Sviluppo professionale - Auto-regolazione dell'Apprendimento - Digital Scholarship


BEHAViour management models across Europe


Behavioral Assessment to improve School Environnment


ADHD Augmented


Digital Innovation for Social Inclusion

Città Educante

Informal and non-formal learning and their connections and potential synergies with formal education


European curriculum for family and community nurse
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