Title | Project manager | Themes | |
STAT Online graduate course in Science and Technology for the Environment and Tourism |
Metodologie e Strumenti per la Didattica e la cooperazione in rete |
Supply Chain Partnership |
Sviluppo di sistemi intelligenti di supporto alla ricerca di informazioni e all'apprendimento a partire da grandi insiemi di documenti non ordinati |
VocalSe@rch Information technologies for visually disabled people |
Soluzioni Tecnologiche Avanzate per studio e l'apprendimento in rete |
Tecnologie per l'insegnamento universitario a distanza |
Did@browser Development of an educational browser |
Il Bosco Incantato Development of an environment for acquiring problem solving skills in mathematics |
RAM-Set (Risorse, Abilità, Metodi - Scuola e Tecnologie) Observing social and communication skills in online learning |
Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico nel settore delle ICT per la Didattica e l'Alta Formazione Constructing a network infrastructure for ICT |
Kaleidoscope - Conditions for productive networked learning environments Theoretical concepts related to Computer Supported Collaborative Learning |
ARI-Lab ICT in mathematics teaching and learning |
Tecnologie informatiche di supporto ai disabili della vista Design, development and testing of new technologies for visually disabled people |
Kaleidoscope - DPULS Design patterns for recording and analysing usage of learning systems |
Aessedi Accessibility of Educational Software |
ReMath Computer-based systems for supporting mathematics teaching and learning |
EFELCREN Creation/evaluation of digital educational materials and identification of good teaching strategies |
LabTD (Laboratorio di Tecnologie Didattiche per Docenti) Design, construction and launch of a prototype center for teacher training |
CORFAD A competence center for promoting research, development and testing of methodologies and technologies for distance learning |
SLOOP Sharing Learning Objects in an Open Perspective |
Borse Giovani Laureati |
Xanadu 2 Networked collaborative learning in university teaching |
NEIL Network Enhanced Informal Learning |